Siege of Kyiv is about to start

It’s called the Balkan Wars Samm. Did NATO not attacked the Serbs?

“We promised the Europeans freedom. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see they have it. This might mean war with the Russians, but what of it? They have no Air Force anymore ,their gasoline and ammunition supplies are low .I’ve seen their miserable supply trains; mostly wagons drawn by beaten up old hoses or oxen. I’ll say this; the Third Army alone with very little help and with damned few casualties, could lick what is left of the Russians in six weeks. You mark my words. Don’t ever forget them. Someday we will have to fight them and it will take six years and cost us six million lives.”
-General George S. Patton following the German surrender 1945
Should have listened to him.


Lights are still on.

There aren’t even any IED’s in the road. Russia is trash. :rofl:

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Had America gone to war against the Soviets after WWII they would have had their asses righteously kicked.

The Balkan war was a Civil War, not an invasion by another country. NATO contained it. Besides, wasn’t your beef with the EU in that post?

Is he wrong?

that wasn’t easy

seriously Samm?

Are you denying that NATO attacked Yugoslavia?

Attacked is not really the correct description. Interceded is more appropriate.

Yes, two-thirds of the German army was on the eastern front fighting the Soviet Union. The other third was handling the combined forces of the US, the British Empire, Free French, etc.

The atom bomb is about the only thing that kept the Soviet army from reaching the English Channel.

Let us not neglect the fact that the Soviet army was comprised of crack, battle hardened units with state-of-the-art equipment.

Factories were churning at full capacity, and Patton would have to tread the same unforgiving ground as Hitler, and Napolean before him. I say again:

90% of the German troops was on the eastern front and the idgets had 400,000 troops stationed in Norway the same amount lost in Stalingrad.

The only good spy is a dead one.


The same people who are paying for the death and destruction unleashed the CCP Covid 19 plague on the world.

I honestly hope to god he finally got out of there.

Say what you will, but I think Zelinsky has way more spine than Biden does. He needs to live long enough to liberate the place.

I also have a feeling this is all China’s doing…to see how the US will react to invading Taiwan. Notice how they are keeping real quiet, and taking notes.

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I don’t really disagree with anything you just posted (also, looking back I think that was actually the EU. They all look the same lol.)

If Zelenskyy lives, he lives to become a national hero. If he dies, he becomes a national martyr. He already won.


If I was Putin, I might consider sending Spetznaz to body guard him.

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Fake news time. Russia is apparently “pummeling” Kyiv right now.

Only, nothing is happening on the live feeds. :thinking:



If Zelensky agrees to a cease fire, he is likely to be assassinated as a traitor by Ukrainian ultranationalists. The reported execution of a Ukrainian negotiator based on treason allegations is not a good sign.

The Russian approach to urban warfare frequently uses large amounts of artillery to destroy any buildings that contain opposing forces. The likely result would be large numbers of civilian casualties if Russian forces move into central Kyiv.

Military interests in Washington are salivating at the prospects for arms sales for an extended war in Ukraine. Increasing the number of civilian casualties is likely to increase arms shipments and increase their profits. I see little incentive for Washington to intervene to save the lives of Ukrainian civilians.

I hope I am wrong.

This happened in Chechnya. Russia lost more soldiers to starvation than they did to Chechens during the second war.

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It’s like you guys make a sport of finding the dumbest things famous generals ever said and talking about how amazing it is. Now do MacArthur wanting to nuke China so he could be president.

The Red Army could have stopped the Third Army with human wave attacks and no guns. The whole ass Red Army was in eastern Germany and Poland.