Sidney Powell: Fire hose of evidence showing election fraud

…and you just keep regurgibleeting and regurgibleeting and regurgibleeting. Now you may understand why I said, what I said.

There was an even larger disparity in 2016.

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:rofl: That statement is simply amazing in the context of the last 4 years.

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All the GOP has to do is continue with the America First approach. The country will inevitably get bored hearing libs scream “Trumpism!” when there’s no Trump in office.

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It’s not hard to understand why there is a certain segment who only votes for president.

Yeah…cuz Hillary was the much better choice…amirite? :face_vomiting:

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Imagine how emotionally stupid someone would have to be to vote for her. lol


Was the '72 election illegitimatized?

So hey I missed a few things, is it fraud yet?

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…and then consider all that’s come out on her, since the election that proves those voting against her, were correct in doing so. Hillary is spelled…c…o…r…r…u…p…t.

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The policies that put China in charge of a huge trading bloc that contains many allies that were already in a trading bloc we put together that a Trump blew up?

Yeah that would be a great move for America to continue to do that.


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It’s scary for libs, I know.

Watch the emotionally stupid out there clamor for Hillary to be part of Biden’s cabinet. lol

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Like what?

Of course not. By the way, the correct term is “delegitimize”.

I often said here and IRL, I would have voted Jeb, Kasich, Marco, Lindsey, others from that gang, over her.

Imagine my surprise when the Rs picked Donald Trump. Good Lord congratulations on picking someone so bad I had to vote for hillary.

A president Rubio or Jeb would have cruised easily into a second term.

But I guess fly with the orange, crash with the orange. :slight_smile:


Drip Drip Drip


Im STILL waiting for you to show me 1 example where and Dem said votes were changed on the 2016 election had fraud committed by thousands of poll workers, ballots counters, and elected officials in multiplie states.

arguing that there was foreign interference in influencing a American election is not even CLOSE to accusing thousands of American poll workers and elected officials from both parties in multiple states of comiting active fraud to change a election.

If you were 1" tall and in 2"inches of water…that’d be deep?

Already doing it. Susan Rice said it “would be beneath her”.