Sidney Powell: Fire hose of evidence showing election fraud

I’ve worked with computer software most of my life. I’ve been aware of many opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities. Identifying those opportunities and exploiting them on a scale needed to steal an election are too very different animals. I’m quite confident Biden will be sworn in as our 46th President.

I made the same argument to DEMs back in the Bush years. I’m being consistent in that regard. :wink:

Counting is not done yet.

Let’s check the final numbers, shall we?

Sure, we’ll wait for over 5 million outstanding votes. Try not to throw a tantrum next time before utilizing that search engine. :wink:

I know you…you’re the guy that regurgibleeted the Russian collusion narrative you were fed by the MSM for years…amirite? :sunglasses:

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And the day after Susan Powell announces this “firehouse of evidence”, what do we see the Trump campaign doing in Pennsylvania?

Why…dropping their key claim that they weren’t allowed to properly witness the counting of the ballots.

The Master Storyteller trolls his followers once again.

If the professionals who it’s there profession to provide the proof can not do it, then I’ll not go against the vote but on the other hand, I’ll never get over how stupid someone would have to be, to vote for Biden.

That’s not 5.3m under votes.

That’s 4.7m

Or 3.14%

In 2016 is was a little over 2%

Does it seem that in a record turnout year with a record number of 1st time voters that a extra 1% of the population may have come out just to vote for President?

Does that seem that strange to you?

…and that’s pie…amirite?

Never said it did sound strange. Why project?

You did add 600,000 votes however did you not?

Stupidity of the average American voter is a different issue entirely.

I copied and pasted from a reply a couple of days back. Is the need to project a knee-jerk reaction, or does it stem from a guilty conscience? :thinking:

It stems from anger and fustration that Trump is trying to illegitmize a US election, is saying that thousands of Poll workers and elected officials, even GOP ones, actively commit fraud and that his followers are sucking it up with no proof.

Tell me, what should be the normal reaction when the President of the United States continues to post lies for the sole purpose of undermining a US election and his believers accept it with no evidence??

Seems even GOP officials have had enough of the lies.

I knew that already, but thanks for the honesty. The thing is, I’m not a miserable ball of snot on the floor due to my candidate losing, no matter how badly some of you libs types need me to be. Carry on, you. :hugs:

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Other people can’t get over how stupid someone would have to be to vote for Donald, not only once but twice.


Provided R’s keep the senate, they are the big winners in this election. Getting Trump out of office is the best thing to happen to R’s in four or five years. Provided they can manage not to alienate his core supporters enough that they leave the party on his way out the door.


Yes and I have now decided this will be the week they begin to stop coddling Trump’s ego and quietly acknowledge the reality he is out.

I mean, Trump nearly did it twice himself in the last four days until he remembered he needed to keep the Narrative going.

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I agree. I don’t get the meltdown over Donald.

Although I don’t care about his core supporters. Let them get alienated.