Shut it down...Trump's threaten shutdown over wall funding

How much is Trump axing max for the wall? $20 billion? That’s peanuts. Peanuts. Rounding error, as they say. So why isn’t he getting it?

One answer is that it’s the principle of the thing. Your dem buddies are idiots. They are holding out for Mex voters from sea to shining sea. And that ain’t gonna happen under Trump.

And Kim Jong McConnell’s pals are the guys who run the chicken wing processing facilities who are telling him to hold out so they can get slave labor.

What would it hurt to have a wall plus all your fav gadgets. Why…nothing. And it’d shut Trump up. Win win all the way around. Right?

And gotta get one thing straight. Trump ain’t bluffing. He’s strategerizing. That’s for definite. But he’d let congress shut down in a NY minute. Why? Bekez while you might holler…the people who voted for him would heartily approve. Bigly. And he knows it.

This leaves the republican guys running. They’d have a decision to make. Back Trump or back the Koch bros. Which to do? If they are stupid they’d back the Koch bros. I think most of 'em have learned their lesson about bucking Trump. However…dumbness knows no party. Seems like.

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Try writing normally, Spinach. You think you’re being clever, You’re not.


That’s true for many of them, but others come for very bad reasons. That’s why ICE is so important. They do a great job in busting human trafficking, drugs, etc.


The same way alarm systems stop the oceans 11 robbers.

They don’t.

But it does stop most everyone else. Let me know when air Mexico starts sending formations of hang gliders across the border.

“Of his own party” keeps getting thrown around a lot. Odd considering how many times the GOP has made a point that he isn’t “of the party” and the number of people who keep saying he isn’t a “Republican.”

“It’s no longer the Republican party, but the Trump party.” Yet we’re to believe that Trump will singlehandedly convince all the Republicans (the party of cheap foreign labor) in Congress to go his way. Seriously?

Donald J. Trump is not a autocrat. He may want to be one and try to carry himself as one, but this is the United States of America not Trump tower or Trump Enterprises. This is not his government, it’s our government and it’s not his to shut down. How the hell this dude is going to shut down government because he want some damn wall. Man ■■■■ (Lord forgive me of my language) that wall. Anyone who is okay with this, you’re just as unAmerican as he is.

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Yes, I’ve seen that quite a bit. Many conservatives here don’t like him and did not vote for him. Yet, if one agrees with something (like enforcing the border) or if one has cause to celebrate something that is good for our country (like the return of the remains from N. Korea) it would seem you are categorized as being fully Trump’s camp.

I own a small business. I’ve never hired an illegal and have had plenty of opportunity to do so. Some people actually back up their beliefs with their actions.

Neither do gated communities by that logic. But, I’m sure many who oppose the wall live in gated communities.

Hmmmm… let’s take an honest look to see if there is precedent.

September 29, 2013: House amends H.J.Res. 59 a second time to add another amendment to defund the ACA. President Obama threatens veto

And then the government shut down.

Absolutely agree… Plenty of precedent… go ahead, shut it down over the wall… I suggest they keep it closed till about November 8th…

Obama was definitely a slicker politician. He did it in an off year. So I guess that made ok to @Jamerican .

Now we only need to look for tunnels and light aircraft.

Would FOX and Friends please tell us about a Mexico 2 way border fee so the President can get behind it.

2.50 per person per crossing. Add it to teh EZ pass system.

User fee to pay for security.

Just learned from the Gingrich playbook… How did those shutdowns turn out for the GOP?

Instead of a wall why not take that money overhaul the immigration department. Hire more people to make it go faster. Hire more people to enforce that American employers are complying with the law.

Pass a law to that gives people a chance a citizenship rather than deporting 4 percent of the population. Talk to the mayors of the sanctuary cities and ask them to instruct their police forces to turn over any violent offenders to ICE.

Use the money to also cut the cost to file.

I would open more crossings charge a fee and make every vehicle subject to inspection to be honest.

Now we are making some progress.

I cannot understand why more people are not in favor of a user fee. It is justified and reasonable. President Trump can even make the Mexico is paying claim which would be at least partially correct.

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We are already building the wall… just need it to go much faster…


I’m curious how, given recent legal developments, he proposes to “get rid of sanctuary cities”… Any thoughts?

How can the Democrats be fault? The Republicans control it all and have a majority. If there any Republicans who will not vote for what the President wants then that’s a problem for the Republicans and the Republicans President. Or is there some balance of power issue i am missing?

It’s because the democrats are being meanies and they won’t praise our dear leader… foot stomping noise…

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