Should we be more upset over the pay of college presidents or of CEO's?

The simple common law concept of trespass governs that.

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VVoluntary association and/or commerce vs someone forcing it on you?

Matters quite a lot. Especially in the none of your business category. If you can take a walk with no consequences and it’s just some privately held property / entity then it’s far more likely to be none of your business.

It’s when someone decides you’re their business, or your society is their business, to impose themselves … well that may be different.

While you might be tempted to say educators should fall in the first camp relative to all the folks who don’t go to those schools since so many seem to make it their business to indoctrinate useful Idiots for the far Left they really fall under the second. There is, after all, a reason why Bill Ayers, a respected educator according to the nitwits who make such assessments, concentrated on teaching teachers rather than making bombs as he could do far more damage that way. You don’t get all these campus Snowflakes proverbially (though sometimes literally) running to safe spaces when they aren’t tossing milkshakes in people’s faces without Ayers having lots of fellow travelers.

It’s much easier to go after CEOs when their shady dealings endanger people in society than educators who are indoctrinators.

Imagine thinking there is some category called “voluntary commerce”. It’s not a relevant distinction to drill on.

In NJ that is a comfortable middle-uppermiddle class lifestyle when you factor in taxes and cost of living.

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Imagine that……….Liberal brainwashing Colleges, paying their college Presidents so much.

Don’t the Liberals always brag about what they do for schooling in this country?
It’s good to see how many of the one percenters that Liberal Democrats always talk about, are really just fellow Democrats.