Should Trump be Declaring Himself the Victor?

Lone Wolves!

If the left starts burning down businesses in those cities, the media needs to immediately ask Trump if he rejects white nationalists.


Oh no. Trump backers actually shouting. Such violence.


So peaceful protesting is threatening violence? I though the left agreed that peaceful protesting is a right. Apparently, when a conservative is angry it is a foregone conclusion s/he is threatening violence. When a Lib is angry, the foregone conclusion is they are expressing a hunger for justice even when they are assaulting people and burning down businesses.


Those aren’t peaceful protests. Where are the flames?


But you disagree with that, don’t you?

So don’t be a hypocrite about it, you and DougBH.

Mobs converging on places are threatening violence - especially when they bang on the glass and yell and scream.

It wasn’t okay for the mobs and rioters…and it’s not okay for these folks. They’re supposed to be better than the left, aren’t they? More civilized?

And when Trump is declared the loser you wanna bet some redneck consevatives aren’t going to go ballistic?

Or retreat to their compounds somewhere with their rifles and wait for “the end?”

No, I don’t. Why are you lying about me?


So the left had the right to riot?

I’m shocked you think so.

Armed militias are taking Trump’s screaming at the sky and setting his hair on fire seriously.

Trump just gave a press conference where he whined again and again that the election is being stolen from him.

I hope all poll workers in these “battleround stages” sue him for defamation of character, libel and slander and everything else.

What a tool.

Mostly peaceful, for real, for once.

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Nope sorry, can’t sue, being sued is for the plebs, not government.

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Oh yep, conservatives are filled with potential violence, please ignore the actual violence from the left.


Which malitias? What are they saying?

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White ones, duh. Right wing white ones. Biden will go to war against them so it’s all good. Then all the children can rest easy at night. It will be a cognitive dissonace festival, war against right wing extremists while the left is burning cities. Hurrah

I need some Bubblegum