Should these goons be tried for murder?

Pistol with 15 rounds?
So you don’t know, so doesn’t pertain to this story.
Time for me to go, enjoy trolling some more.

That’s not what The Final Arbiters say. Go try pitching a tent in the middle of I 10 and see what happens. Go ahead. I double dog dare you.

Oh, so you’re one of those that wants to let 9 unelected ephors decide when and where I get I exercise my rights.

This is how the constitution is destroyed. We no longer have a country if we let these unelected masters decide that the government can tell us when and where the people can exercise their god given rights.

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How hard do you think it is to find the standard issue pistol for the US Border Patrol?

It’s 13. I stand corrected.

Why in the hell are we buying the Border Patrol pistols from the most over-priced manufacturer in the history of history?

The agent of the state should be tried for murder. There was one gun and only one person shot it.

That may be the real crime - lol

Personally, I use an M&P Shield as my primary carry. Small, concealable, fits well in the hand, and comes in your choice of 3 calibers.

I think that applies mainly to if any of those conspirators kill someone, not if one of them is killed.

Now, these clowns should be charged with assault, attempted murder or any other thing that might apply.

Not really. It could be done under Texas law I believe. I don’t know about Centgov.

Federal highways/Interstates are owned by the feds. State, county, local roads are owned by the gov’t agency that builds and/or maintains them.

It fits girly hands better than a full size 1911.

The people own the highways, the roads and the Mahler national refuge. Not the Centgov.

They are paying about double the cost of a 4.5" XD or glock service model.

It holds to many bullets and it costs too much.

Believe that all you want, see who wrote the checks to buy the right of way and how it is deeded.

All these documents are merely authoritarian tools of the Centgov to perpetuate their violently enforced illegal authority over the free people of this country.

Good luck selling that one.

It’s weird. The article you linked has a headline that starts “before facts are known”

So how did you get all the facts?

It’s a tough sell to the Centgov sheeple trained from birth to obey the authorities.