Should these goons be tried for murder?

I’ll help you, because you don’t get it.

The police or me:

  1. Which one is more likely to commit a criminal act?

  2. Which one is more highly trained?

  3. Which one is held more responsible as an individual?

  4. Which one has qualified immunity?

  5. Which one is a court more likely to side with?

And yet, which one do you let in armed?


A spoiled child is always right and never listens.

Who put their hands on whom first?

Thank you.

I don’t trust you.

You can’t say I didn’t try. At the end of the day, an attempt at an adult conversation is too boring for you.

Maybe you should go off and troll some more.

But yet you trust the state…why?

Why didn’t you answer the questions? Your slip is showing.

So it’s not the gun, maybe it’s the clothes.

How about if I put on a gas station attendant uniform from the 60s?

Or better yet multicam and a plate carrier and a helmet.

Like I said, irrational.

And there’s the Question.

What oh what could be the answer?

Didn’t he say something a long time ago about being conditioned? When he was mocking me?

That’s what you call trying?

We had many discussion about human conditioning.

Personally I trust a person without power far more then one with it.

I trust the police in my area more than Sneaky. He’s got a real chip on his shoulder.

The illegal aliens.

…if the shooting was deemed justified?

Ok that’s you. But don’t expect others to share your views.

Nor do you use the state to impose em.

I don’t know the answers to your questions. Other than the 4th question, who’s answer is obvious.

We don’t really have much of a choice to put some trust in the police at times. Without some level of trust, it’d be impossible for law enforcement to do anything.

I’m going to question their motives regardless…just as they will question mine.

But here is the thing you should consider.

If a cop comes into your home and something happen and he shoots you…chances are he will got off.

Under same circumstance private individual does the same…he will go to prison.

Now flip that around. If you shoot a cop in your own home chances are you’re going to prison…but if it’s a private individual that was armed chances are you won’t.

Very nature of that reality makes them more dangerous then private individual being armed.

Now for the original story. The border agent was following the law.

You support following the law right?

Sneaky thinks he’s deep and provocative.

What are the odds that a police officer shoots me in my house?

One in a million? Probably less.

What are the odds Sneaky shoots me in my house? I have absolutely no idea.