Should The democrats Be Rewarded For Their 4-Year Foot-stamping Temper Tantrum Meltdown?

So … nothing?

Except they’re not just doing that are they? And I remover when you, and that’s you personally, we’re very very concerned that the government would do something like this with federal law enforcement absent any proof of intent let alone actual actions and I just can’t imagine what the difference is now.

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Rioters are responsible for the riots. Those same rioters are being encouraged by the mayor of Portland, told that if they keep rioting it will be Trump that is at fault and will get the blame.
No, the criminal is at fault, not the cop that tries to stop him. This is political extortion…and if we cave then these are the people that will have a say in the Biden government.

Mono-think belongs to the D party.

It is their greatest asset.

That is how you pull off a 4 year tantrum.

It might work and it might not…

Portland should have enacted and ENFORCED a curfew 50 days ago.

Not doing so is aiding and abetting an organized insurrection…even if the insurgents are pasty faced gamers who are bored with lockdowns.

This will change this week.


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I did. I don’t need any direction from you.

Oh by things like creating an economy in which everyone was prospering together and where Blacks and Hispanics saw the lowest UE and highest pay in history, by protecting our borders and by treating everyone as Americans instead of dividing us into little groups and driving wedges between us; something democrats of course rely on to gain and hold power.

You were also incredibly concerned about federal cops being sued against Americans in just this way. What happened? You aren’t doing it strictly because there was a Democrat in the White House and you actually love it as long as someone you agree with is in power, do you?

It has nothing to do with trump?

How are drum circles and silly chanting ‘riots’?

Were you ever inclined to criticism of the Clinton-Reno handling of the Branch Davidians?

That doesn’t make any sense and I don’t recommend trying to equate the insurrection with any negative criticism of the previous administration…that previous administration appear to have illegally surveilled the present administration with Biden in the thick of the scheme.

It just appears to be an effort to make everyone unhappy so they vote out the present admin for the schemer admin.

I don’t think it will go as schemed.


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You mean Trump voters.

It isn’t about Trump…It is about the likes of people who would vote for him.

Trump is an empty vessel with popular policies.


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I love that the current administration is such a ■■■■ show of ne’er do wells that one has to make up that they were illegally surveilled to give them victimhood status.

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The FISA warrants were garbage.

The only thing made up was the Steele dossier contents.

Biden is in that scheme up to his fading in function cranium.


The FISA warrant thing on Carter Page.

He had already left the campaign and the Horowitz Report found no problem with the issuance of the warrant and the first renewal.

The problems were with the second and third renewal which happened while Trump was in Office so it is really hard to pin that on Biden.


Not sure what you mean here.

The feds would not be in Portland, if the Portland police had stopped the riots. But the rioters are at the federal court house, trying to burn it down. So it’s pretty clear why the feds “used” to protect the court house there, and it’s clear whose fault it is.

Don’t be silly, as if all people were doing in Portland and Seattle was making drum circles. If you start out being dishonest like that, that it makes anything else you have to say irrelevant.

You realize the drumming is so ubiquitous you almost can’t get a feed without hearing the drums? It’s cliche Portlandia.

Unemployment up, calling protesters as terrorists, parts of aluminum wall falling over during a wind storm. Decides to not honor John Lewis, doesn’t public denounce Putin over cash for dead Americans.

Sounds like real winner. :roll_eyes: