Should The democrats Be Rewarded For Their 4-Year Foot-stamping Temper Tantrum Meltdown?

Im sure the mayor of Portland is glad trumps storm troopers are there actually tear gassing him.

Storm Troopers? Surely you can do better.

Maybe the dumbass mayor should have not joined the riot?

Wonder why this post was flagged? :thinking:


Probably to assist the Mod’s with GWH’s banner that we’ve all seen and posted about in Community Feedback.
Not a Mod, but it seems logical.

Most likely because the post he replied to was seriously in violation.

I’d say you and I have two different definitions for trolling, if you was replying to me.

I’d go with the one weedhopper relied to if that is the case.

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No he has not. That the riots haven’t been stopped is the fault of the dem mayors who refuse to let the police stop them and do not want the feds stopping them either.

It is pure anarchy and criminal activity at this point.

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It is something else huh? :roll_eyes:

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Probably ought to edit/delete.

lady irony gets paid

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Looks like a personal attack.

Why, fair question considering all the investigations that are currently underway.

How has trump tried to unite the country?

How long did Obama try to unite the country? Try not at all.

The “leadership” in the cities now under siege by anarchists are the “problem”. How has the President “escalated” the riots? By sending Federal law enforcement to protect Federal property and institutions? The “leadership” in these cities are not and allowing the mob to do as they please. “Pics of things on fire” is a reality that noobs refuse to accept, but the socialists savor. Never let a crisis go to waste right?

:rofl::joy: good stuff.

Yep. That one mistake in appointing a wishy washy AG tainted the first three years of Trump’s Presidency.

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They should reap what they sowed, and see another four years of Trump with the repubs taking the house, and increasing their numbers in the senate.

Yup, somehow, after 54 days in a row of riots in Portland, the local police had everything under control, and then Trump sent feds to protect the court house and screwed it all up.

I think the local police lost any thought of then having control after the first ten days of rioting.

Somehow in of all places Detroit MI, things are relatively calm. How? Despite reputation, Detroit protests not marred by arson, looting