Should Shifty recuse himself?

Same topic. It’s great to have a conversation with the op to gather his baseline of values. Cannot have a good discussion if the foundation of values is weak.

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Why not start at the top - doo doo head Plumpy Trumpy should recuse himself from the Oval Office for lying.


So should Shifty recuse himself?

  1. Show me where Schiff said anything of the sort
  2. How do you know what evidence the House Committe has?

If you can demonstrate a conflict of interest, yes. A good example is Jeff Sessions, who recused from the Mueller probe because he was implicated in the matter.

You are saying he lied. Can you be more specific? I know that there was some concern about how he characterized evidence, but since neither you nor I have all the evidence, calling that a lie is more a wish than a proof.

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That has already been addressed in 1000 other threads. This was not meant to be the 1001st anti Trump thread. This one is about Shifty. :man_shrugging:

You think he should. You said it in your op.continuing the conversation, do you hold Trumpto the same values or will you reward his lies with your vote.

I already said you, as a person not on the intelligence committee, do not have th information to know if Schift lied. He should remain on the committees.

When you want to ding a person for lying, the King of Lies will come up, as your support for him.


You never make threads like this about Donald. You need to recuse yourself.


Speaks directly to the breathtaking lack of self-reflection in the question. How does one get indignant about lying when they enthusiastically support doo-doo head Plumpy Trumpy, and ignore the pathological lying he revels in?

  1. I’m not going to show you. If you google it you will find that he claims to have “more than circumstantial evidence” of collusion. I have posted it before. Or you can chose to simply not believe it as well. I’m cool with that.

  2. They don’t have evidence of collusion. Nobody believes the hoax anymore. It’s a crazy as the Smollet/ Cov Cath debacles.

Because then one would have to acknowledge the inconstancy in that nobody lies as much as Trumpstains

Of course you won’t.

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Should Shifty recuse himself? How can a dishonest man conduct an honest investigation?

In the immortal words of Michael Cohen, “Sez who?” You have absolutely no idea what evidence the HOuse and Senate Committees, Mueller, or SDNY have.

Same way a dishonest man runs the Oval Office, I imagine.

Should Trump resign? How can a dishonest man conduct negotiations?

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What did he lie about? He cited the evidence sources. He said he “believes” that the email exchange is evidence. He also cited charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s testimony as examples.
If there is evidence that was given the committee during a closed session, that evidence can not (at this time) be made public. However I am sure that the information is being passed on to Mueller.
Your premise that he should recuse himself is based on your belief that he lied. I disagree and therefore ask that you prove that he lied.

Show your evidence that the House doesn’t have evidence

Thread is built upon a faulty premise - that we know with absolute certainty that there was no collusion.

We don’t know with certainty whether there was collusion or not at this point. I’ll wait until all the evidence becomes public before drawing conclusions on that.

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