Should police be allowed to use deadly force against laser attacks?

I’ve heard some say that passing a counterfeit bill justifies killing. and others say that selling loose cigarettes justifies killing. Others have justified death for trespassing while being a lookie loo.

It seems that some treat life more cavalierly than sight.

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It’s a yes or no question.

Not here you haven’t.

The thread is titled should the police be allowed to use deadly force against laser attacks.

But why would you have to “shoot someone off me” when I can just look away? Unless my dumb ass is just taking it, what are you shooting off?

what is “Deadly Force” in your mind.

how did using live rounds work out for Ukraine,
oh wait the burned down the capital.

It’s a yes or no question. If somebody was trying to blind you, would you want me to shoot them?

Rubber bullets has a shorter effective range than laser light.

Oh … and @TommyLucchese is.

using deadly force is the single stupidest thing the police could do.

It’s not a yes or no question, as we’ve established. Unless I’m being held down by one of those Clockwork Orange things that keep my head in one direction and my eyelids open.


depend would shooting them start a massive riot to which you could not possibly control?

So no. That’s fine.

You ever notice how few riot cops actually have sidearms? That’s not by accident.

So does attempting to permanently blind law enforcement officers

Why would it depend on that? How big of a riot would it take for you to spend the rest of your life blind?

So if I assault you…you shouldn’t do anything because you can run away?

I’m sorry…it doesn’t work that way.

No … allowing rioters to use lasers to blind cops is the stupidest thing the police could do.

Guess it depends on how eager said cop is to go down in the history books with the same level of infamy as the National Guardsmen that opened fire at Kent State.