Should Police be Allowed to Shoot Into Crowds if One is Shooting Paintballs?

I’d like to see anybody on this forum distinguish a paintball gun from any other gun during a riot at night.

“Shooting into a crowd” doesn’t mean much. If you mean indiscriminately, then no, that is never allowed.

If you mean discriminatory shooting at selected targets hiding in a crowd, depends.

It requires a very high level of skill.

Intent matters. The lasers, the intent is to permanently blind.

Paint ball guns don’t generally do that.

However, anybody who “shoots” anything at police are too stupid to procreate, especially during a riot.



Then it was a strpid troll OP to start with.

who said anything about indiscriminate shooting?

Basis for thread: If I am allowed to shoot at someone who is shooting a machine gun at me, is it not ok for me to shoot a kid with a spitwad?


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Should Cossacks be allowed to charge a crowd if their sabers are blunted?

The attitude that police should rough up people a bit before arresting them? What good place do you think it leads?

Police don’t haphazardly fire anything into a crowd. Warnings beforehand including announcements on foghorns to disperse and often occur after curfew times previously declared are being violated.

None. This is what ends riots. If rioters know that instead of being caught and released in time for the next riot, they risk spending 30 years in a federal pen.

What else does “shooting into a crowd” mean? The question was not “shoot a person who shoots a paintball. (answer is still no)” It was “into a crowd.”

where would the person be they’re aiming at?

was a recent shooting in St Luis I believe. Guy shooting at cops outside of his bar standing in a crowd of people. Police “shot into the crowd”, and hit the guy shooting at them and no-one else. That is not indiscriminately shooting “into a crowd”, it was in fact very discriminating shooting “into the crowd”.

aside from that, if people willingly act as human shields for a terrorist, they deserve the same death.

What should the police do when there’s a standoff and those opposing them shine lasers in their eyes?

Well, the police certainly shouldn’t be roughing up people before arresting them. Right?

If someone is shining a laser in their eyes with the intent to blind them, that’s what their batons are for but…I wouldn’t shoot them.

People or "people" throwing fire bombs?

Maybe thinking twice before doing something so stupid and dangerous. Coddling certainly isn’t working.

Police can and do make mistakes when arresting people. I’d rather they not get used to the idea of roughing up people they think deserve it. How about you?

Punishment can and should severe in the court of law for bomb throwers.

So a bomb thrower should be treated with kid gloves when placed under arrest?

I don’t have an issue if they peacefully accept the arrest but if they don’t then I have zero problem if the arrest doesn’t go well for them.

Enough force should be used that is needed to make the arrest. Nothing more. Gooddad was winking at roughing up “bomb throwers”.

Keep in mind police make mistakes. They aren’t infallible. They may arrest the wrong person and roughing that person up? It isn’t their job to be judge and jury and mete out a roughing up punishment. Unfortunate that we have people like Gooddad that feel otherwise.

The OP wants the cops to enforce law? But they might be victim of police brutality. Please make up your mind?