Should creepy Uncle Joe back out?

anything they can use to eye-poke since losing to hillary

that’s why every thread about idiots like ocasio cortez and maxi waters, and creepy weirdo joe now spastically devolves into trump threads

why dont you focus on the topic instead of the posters?

or should i start serially flagging again like you guys are doing?

The Access Hollywood Tape
Trump saying if Ivanka wasn’t his daughter, he would be dating her.
All the interviews he did with Stern and Opie & Anthony.

Not creepy at all. Give me a break. No Biden is not creepy at all. I don’t know what is creepy about him.

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no not creepy

the tape is a private coversation with crude talk many years ago. who cares

comment about ivanka is odd but not a pattern. you can quit trying to conflate that into some kind of incestuous fantasy.

would biden be creepy if trump didnt run for president? please answer

biden not creepy? sounds like denial. his behavior is odd and bizarre around these little girls and women. often!


Sorry man, you live by a double standard, and continue to make accuses for Trump’s bad behavior.

Do I think Joe Biden is creepy? No.

Do I think Donald Trump is creepy? Yes.

Do I care about the “creepy” nature of any candidate? Not really, unless they have a criminal record of abuse.

I guess you could say one man’s creep, is another man’s romantic.

Note - I am not saying I would vote for Biden, but these allegations do not faze me one bit. I see it as political theater, and people throwing stones at glass houses.

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Yet there’s no evidence he’s ever gone further, and at least one of the the accusers has said they didn’t think it was sexual.

That’s far different from Trump, who has ADMITTED to perverse, invasive, and inappropriate sexual behavior-behavior that his supporters brush off as “his love life.” Boasting about ■■■■■ grabbing and forcing himself on women. Flaunting his infidelity. Creeping on nude women backstage at a pageant.

Franken, for example, was accused of touching a woman’s butt and pretending to squeeze the breasts of a woman . He’s gone. Ellison was accused by his ex, and both he and Democrats said “let’s investigate and see what the evidence shows.” So it’s not entirely honest to say that “does things that would politically kill a republican” because there’s at least one Democrat, who was accused of the same type of inappropriate touching, is gone and others accused said “sure, let’s investigate and see the evidence.”

The difference is that the sitting president has ADMITTED to behavior that goes further than what Biden is accused of having done, and he’s being held to a harsher standard by some Trump supporters than they are willing to hold Trump. Trump’s behavior is dismissed and excused for any number of partisan and petulant reasons.

Comparing the behavior of Biden to Trump is apples and oranges. If there’s evidence Ds aren’t holding to account D behavior that is actually comparable to Trump, let’s see it!


Teach them that the only thing that matters when voting is the R behind the name, and that they can be forgiven all trespasses. We get it.

Oh, you’re a mod and know who is flagging posts now? Neat, please tell us who is flagging!

No, I don’t think Biden should declare.

It’s a private conversation about his actions. It’s literally him describing things he does. Actions that are far beyond creepy. It’s pretty amazing you won’t admit to that.

Well yeah, there’s a pattern-not just the comment, but how he’s acted toward her, demonstrated by pictures. If we didn’t know she was his daughter, we’d say his actions were inappropriate, but the fact that he said he’d date her if she weren’t his daughter in conjunction with his being so handsy with her is what makes it creepy.

He’s not groping anyone behind closed doors, or having conversations about how hot it was to touch them, and how they really liked it, or how he can just do it because he’s famous.

The nature of the behavior between Trump and Biden isn’t comparable, and the desperation to compare them really lacks any moral fiber.

Its the new Republican (aka Trump supporter) mindset.

What Trump did was either before he was nominated or was “private conversations”. It doesn’t matter. Trump is awesome, Trump never does anything wrong.

Democrat? Guilty! Should drop out! Arrest that person!


Is Trump creepy? Yep.

Is Biden creepy? Yep.

Trumps Access Hollywood tape is one of the reasons he didn’t get my vote in the primary and won’t get it next time either.

Democrats can absolutely get a pass on voting for him against Trump in the general, not in the primary.

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I agree. I don’t think Biden will declare, though. He’ll end up being a campaign bulldog for the eventual nominee.

His bigger problem if he does declare was that bit of bragging he did about getting the Ukranian prosecutor investigating the company his son worked for fired using one billion tax payer dollars as leverage.

Don’t forget the hamberders. They probably arent helping.

Don’t you think it’s fair, however, to make a distinction between the two?

Biden is “creepy,” sure.

Trump isn’t just creepy though-he’s a sexual predator, deviant, and a serial adulterer.

This thread, as well as just the whole controversy surrounding Trump’s sexual behavior, is really sort of interesting.

Until we got an R president in the modern day whose sexual deviancy is so well documented, we got ears full about “marriage between one man, one woman.” That phrase was used endlessly. Seems around the time started running, we’ve heard less and less of it.

It’s sort of interesting-a number of high-profile R politicians and pundits continued to remain relevant in GOPdom despite their own affairs, infidelity, etc. One man/one woman voters continued to support those figures-but when Trump became their figurehead, well, we just don’t care what he did before he ran and there are more important issues to worry about. Oh, but also Biden touched some shoulders and arms so HE IS CREEPY AND WORSE THAN TRUMP!

If all creepy Joe was being accused of was patting little girls on the head, or engaging his vocal critics with a little back and forth name calling, this thread would not even exist. So you can pretend all you like that up is down, and black is white, but it will not change anything

Coming up behind a women and sniffing her hair isn’t creepy?

No double standard there.