Should camela harris Resign Her Senate Seat Now and Let California Voters Decide Who Should Serve Out Her Term?

So was she at the Judiciary hearing today??

I have no idea. Nor do I care.

It’s a prime committee assignment.

You just said she has important work left to do.

Make up your minds.

I think you missed my point.

The replacement appointed by Newsom will serve the remainder of Harris’ term which ends in 2022.

There’s no special election by California law.

Says the random internet poster.

Lighten up Francis!

These resurrected threads are sweet.

Harris, who was elected to her first Senate term in 2016, would be up for reelection in 2022. Whoever replaces her will get a couple of years in the Senate before running (Newsom has ruled out a special election to fill out the term).

There ya go.

Yes. Let’s do that.

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Katie Porter would be awesome.


She’s keeping her seat in the House isn’t she?

The word is that the shortlist is down to 1; California Secretary of State Alex Padilla

Excellent choice!

Kaboom.[quote=“toreyj01, post:70, topic:234047, full:true”]

Katie Porter would be awesome.

Using that logic would it be fair to extrapolate that Trump should also resign today?