Shootings not mentioned

I am fairly certain that not banning concealed carry is not evidence that they do not have some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Nobody can totally ban concealed carry per the courts. That is just one area of gun law, not its entirety.

Compare the odds and tell us which is the more rational fear. Edit to add, I don’t carry a gun, nor as a man do I worry a lot about me being raped, I do worry about my wife and daughters.

Lololol dude you cant say they have strict gun laws then in the next breath say they allow conceal carry… Lolol stop please


I can’t? I am pretty sure I can. Concealed carry is merely one area of gun law, not it’s entirety. And again, nobody can completely ban concealed carry as bearing arms is a constitutionally guaranteed right recognized by the courts. edit to add, unless you count having open carry instead, which is a less restrictive gun law.

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Stop Zantax you really don’t know what you are talking about and you are looking pretty bad

Well that’s hilarious.

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If the 2A is sacrosanct then there can’t be any restrictions on someone having a gun on their person whilst say playing for example a game of tennis or golf? Is this the case in reality or are there actual restrictions already in place? Does the 2A cover machine guns?

Getting back to gun deaths in Chicago, the March for our Lives movement certainly continue to raise the need for action in Chicago and other places where gun deaths are happening.

Lol look at Illinois vs Texas not even close

Huh? 12.1 and 12.4 are not close? In any case, the argument is not that Illinois has some of the most restrictive gun laws, it’s that Chicago does.

For the umpteenth time you can not have “the most restrictive gun laws” and allow your citizens to conceal carry… My gosh

Well that’s nonsense. Again, concealed carry is only one area of gun regulation. And everyone has concealed carry.

I see you dont know Any thing about gun laws… Tell me Zantax what makes Chicago the most restrictive gun law city?

A quick not all encompassing list off the top of my head.

Assault weapon ban
License or permit to buy any gun
Mandatory waiting period

I wouldn’t say they have the most restrictive laws, but they do have some of the most restrictive.

You have to wait 3 days to pick a gun up after purchase…

Most states require you to have a licence to buy a hand gun

No one gives a crap if you wanna gun hump an AR or AK… Those types of weapons are banned in most major cities…

So you went from Chicago being the most restrictive to … They aren’t that bad lolol again you should have stopped 4 post ago


the reason chicago has a gun violence problem despite tough laws is next door is indiana with lax gun laws.
Its very easy to buy a gun legally in indiana and then bring it to chicago. which is what the gangbangers do

No, I went from they have some of the most restrictive gun laws to they have some of the most restrictive gun laws.

when its easy for a gangbanger to cross the border to indiana to buy a gun,tough gun laws dont matter. thats why we need tough nationwide gun laws

It won’t matter facts are just liberal lies lol

Why do we need to “compare odds”? We get it zantax. We shouldnt care about mass shootings because guberment gonna take my guns and I might get raped or burglarized. Funny how all this ‘whataboutism’ about “odds” sprinkles out when it’s a white nationalist committing the murders

Blue spots in a red state. Lame try.