Shifts in the Political Winds? The Unwoke Awakening?

It’s fascinating how circular history is

California Loses, Texas Gains

This kinds of things give glimpses of what Master Strategists see when working. How the details matter.

And how different the two coasts are.

Fascinating stuff.


is there a version of the article that doesnt require me to register to the jesse watters channel? : )

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people who are not liberal or leftist idiots seems are the ones who are leaving for the non-psychotic states like Texas and Idaho

Don’t ever doubt, though that leftism just like the virus that it is spreads and will eventually ruin those states too


And Florida.



When one considers how this functions, how important the House and census are, one begins to see the “why” of certain policies, no?

A Balkanizing of competence? Of sanity? Of liberalism?

Yet another step down the path of revolution and eventual dissolution?

From the linked article in the OP.

“They feel like they’re running for their lives away from oppressive laws and policies in these other states," said Coeur d’Alene-based real estate agent Seth Horst, a former California police officer who moved to Idaho in 2020.”

This is the way everyone should feel about the leftist Democrat party.


Repressive tolerance is oppressive.

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Well at least the illegals are showing up…

“Only a fresh influx of immigrants saved big cities from dramatic population declines. Even with the immigrants, 17 of the nation’s 25 largest counties suffered population losses between April 2020 and July 2022, according to census data tabulated by The Hill.”

The poor, destitute, and dirty are all that’s left over. :rofl:

I am wondering “which” people? Are they of the sane, competent demographic? Producers?

Or are they the methhead “managed alcohol program” variety?

I want to make sure I understand your point and direction here.

Are you saying that what we are seeing is red states getting redder as people escape the lunatic leftism in places like California while the blue states get bluer…

Creating a divide that will be difficult if not impossible for the country to overcome?

Is there a second point in your thinking that…in the case of of Oregonians moving to Idaho…the “experts” are surprised that Oregonians moving to Idaho aren’t changing the state but rather are themselves embracing the state’s more conservative outlook?

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And now we have evidence of the why the fight over including illegals in the census.


Yes we do.

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if it’s not “replacement” then it is just some pretty breathtaking, absolute incompetence in protecting the border

or shall i say maintaining the border

Both are true.

Just because the democrats are trying to flood the country with illegals doesn’t indicate any level of competence on the lib left.