Sheriffs Keeping Their Oaths

They are refusing an unlawful order. They are refusing the Nuremburg excuse.

Would that all elected officials followed their oath.

So in other words, you’re stating that the notion that the 2nd exists to protect is from a tyrannical government is preposterous, then, and we should lay that argument to rest because there’s a 0% chance that someone who isn’t as armed as the government will be able to defend against it.

Thanks for finally admitting that!

Trump will have no say in any charges against a Washington sheriff… They will be charged under state laws…

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Nonsense… All laws are presumed lawful until a court decides otherwise…

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Except they didn’t. The people voted directly on new law, and it’s in accordance with the 2nd.

The duly voted upon laws in WA didn’t gut the 2nd. That’s just hyperbolic claptrap.

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Enemies? No, but they’re radicals who need to understand we no longer live in the 1800s frontier expansion version of America.

Poppycock. It’s not unlawful. No one is being hauled off here. What a dastardly comparison to try to make.

Nothing in the laws voted upon by the people violate the 2nd. If the sheriffs don’t like it, they need to file suit or resign.

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Good point. And thank goodness! We don’t need more lawless sheriffs like Arpaio free on the streets. There must be accountability.

Nonsense. You don’t know your history. That’s the Nuremburg excuse.

You advocate “presuming” with rights?

Here’s an idea that will help them follow their oath:

Everytime somebody is murdered or raped who could have saved themselves had they been armed, every pol that voted to infringe goes to jail.

Of course they are unlawful. The Constitution is law.

The Nuremburg excuse is not a defense in the US…

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Exactly, stop using it.

Of course they’re not unlawful, they don’t violate the constitution.

Yes, they do.

I would say with advancement of technology and increase of goverment powers makes the 2nd Amendment even more important today then it was back then to secure our individual freedoms.

I agree with the latter. Why the technology?

Makes it easier to track, spy or to just violate your rights…specially without your knowledge.

Ah, good point.

No, they don’t. No right is unlimited.