Sessions and Sanders cite the Bible for law enforcement

That isn’t true. What do you think the “illegal” in “Illegal Alien” stands for?

They are being lawfully detained pending a determination in their cases.

They have same legal right under the law as you.

If they were not you wouldn’t need to determinate their case before a judge.

so again why is it okay to lock children up in dentition centers.

We are a nation of laws…except we let HRC keep State Dept secrets in her home PC.
And the POTUS is supposed to divest himself of personal businesses…except this time.

But on the issue of parents bringing kids across the border…we’re going to follow that law to the nth degree.

I don’t like the immigrant trying to sneak into the country. But we shouldn’t further punish the kids for the faults of their parents.


Where do we put minors who are arrested and awaiting trial? Jails and Detention centers.

Being a minor, bein illegal, neither is an end around being lawfully detained.

The children are not being charged with anything.

The government is inherently right and just one. Been a long time since Sunday school.

There is no justifiable answer. its barbaric to remove kids as young as 4 from their parents and lock them up in cages and only someone who has lost their soul would think differently.

and pay your taxes. gotta love it

They are in the US illegally.

I’ve written my Senator and Representative tonight for the specifics of the law that spells out this treatment of the kids. I doubt that it is in the law. Sessions and Sanders are probably just blowing smoke!

I’ve been a lifelong Republican (except when I voted for Carter in college) but I don’t want to be party to this.


They are not being CHARGED with a crime.

Whether they are being charged or not they are in the US illegally.

What is ICE supposed to do with them, dump them out on the street to fend for themselves?

You said and I quote.

They are not being arrested and charged with crimes.

They are being lawfully detained for illegal entry into the US.

that would require charging them with illegal entry into the US.

What did they do before we enforced to this degree?

Probably some crappy tent city? I don’t know But at least the moms can be with the kids.

No it doesn’t. They can be detained until their status is determined and a decision made as to what to do with them.

More often than not over the last 8 years they were just released with their “parents” with a promise to appear at a future court date.

Something like 85% never appeared and instead just disappeared into the country.