Serious Question on The Border Crisis-Illegal Immigration

It’s not too late for them to vote Republican or not vote at all in 2024.

I’ll try again.

The DNC has consistently had a policy of encouraging immigration and ignoring or diminishing the illegal aspect of it.

Obama and DACA, all the catterwalling about the cages, etc with Trump. Brandon’s platform in 2015. The hand raising for healthcare at the debates, the driver’s licenses, local voting, free housing, pulling enforcement agents in to process…

Just one program after another to encourage illegal immigration.

And all you who deny you want it vote for it over and over.


What’s the objective?

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That’s a lie.


You say you want honest conversation, yet you lash out and call me a liar when I attempt to engage with you.

This is why.

Immigration has been weaponized against the American people!

Don’t tell lies. You’re way more intelligent than to claim you don’t know what I’m asking.

I’ve rephrased the questions and explained it. Given examples.

You’re trying to make it about me.

Is it because you feel sorry for them?


I didn’t say I don’t know what you’re asking. You’re asking a dishonest question.

Equivalent to someone like me starting a thread saying “Honest question - why do you guys hate brown people so much?”

Why the dishonesty? Why the D⁶?


This is why no one will respond to your question.

You are not willing to engage in good faith.

Have a nice night. You’re dismissed.


You’re the one whining that no one will play with you.

Some reasons I could understand:

  1. We feel sorry for them. They need a break.
  2. We believe we need the unskilled labor.

For the record, I agree with what Obama did in 2012 with DACA, but he did half measures and left them in limbo.

DACA need to be made citizens now. Not in any 10 years.

immigration right now is high, with asylum seekers flooding into the country in record numbers, that much is clear.

we need to fix the system ASAP. (more immigration judges, more border patrol to handle the infux.

we desperately need immigration reform from congress.

instead congress is worried about Hunter Biden and POTUS impeachemnt.


Using a megaphone to do it in the media is exasperating the issue.

What do you want to do about “the issue.”

What is the end goal of the DNC’s immigration policies?

Ok. After reading through the thread I’ll add my 2 cents worth. I make no bones about routinely bashing Libs. On this issue and pretty much every other.

130 or so posts in, and not one Lib has attempted to answer the question posed. Libs here are apparently denying they favor “illegal” immigration. But at the same time, you guys are denying the defacto result of Bidens policies and that what Biden is doing is actually encouraging these people to come.

You claim seriously that candidate Joe Biden, during one of the debates raised his hand and said he believed that illegals should be provided free healthcare, has absolutely no influence on people deciding to come. Now, 3 years into Biden term, we are providing free healthcare to illegals and we are seeing the result. A story has been running this week in the news about the hospital in Denver on the verge of bankruptcy because they are now 135 million dollars in the hole precisely because of the healthcare they have been forced to provide to illegals. Despite this, you Libs still deny ANY cause and effect. Cities, schools, and other resources are being pushed beyond the breaking point and STILL Biden continues the flood.

We all know that it isn’t just healthcare that illegals are getting for free. Education, housing, food, phones, plane and bus tickets, not to mention 5k preloaded visa cards…and still the denial that none of this is in any way responsible for the dramatic increase in numbers. Illegals are getting these benefits while the American tax payers are paying for them and get nothing in return. In fact, Americans are being denied the very things illegals are getting for free.

Wu asked a good question but none of you guys attempts an answer under the pretense of how he framed his question. There is a reason Biden is pushing this agenda and it isn’t out of compassion for ANYONE. There are millions of AMERICANS who would benefit from Joe’s compassion, many many of them poor, but at least working and paying taxes that contributes to what is being given away to illegals.

It doesn’t matter WHAT you call them- illegals, undocumented migrants, asylum seekers etc., the consequences that are now happening in every state are real and this situation is not sustainable.

It is the Constitutional duty and prerogative of the President to protect Americans- first and foremost. It is his prerogative to do so by shutting the border if he deems it necessary. You Libs scoff at AMERICA FIRST, yet that is exactly the duty of the AMERICAN PRESIDENT. Americans are literally being killed, not just by individual illegals, but 100 thousand Americans a year are being murdered by the proxy war China is waging against us with the fentanyl they are manufacturing and distributing through Mexican cartels across our border.

Can any of you guys provide an answer to Wu’s question in the spirit he asked instead of the usual Lib nit picking of grammar or anything else? It’s a fair question…


What DNC Immigration policy?

Both Republicans and Democrats have historically supported immigration. Both have historically been against illegal immigration.

Now where they differ is the amount of immigration and the process of becoming a citizen. Dems do want more immigrant processing power to swiftly move asylum seekers through the courts.

As a lib, I welcome people immigrating here. Legally. The surge at the border is severely stressing the border and something needs to change. Biden has been asking for money to support the surge and protect our borders.