Serious Question on The Border Crisis-Illegal Immigration

They didn’t.

Democrats believe the United States should be a beacon of hope for those who are suffering violence and injustice, which is why we will protect and expand the existing asylum system and other humanitarian protections.


Not what. Why?

Calliing them illegal is a way of demonizing them. Making them less than and not worthy of entrance into the country.

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Claiming asylum is legal. You agreed.

If someone is in this country without following the legal process of asylum (or other legal immigration policies) then those individuals are in fact, illegal.

The why…To process the backlog of asylum claims…
The how… by adding more judges
The when… 2020 and beyond

Correct… conservatives need things in simple terms… so everyone who enters the country from our southern border is illegal.

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In Spanish:

Restableceremos, ampliaremosysimplificaremos lasproteccionespara losSoñadores(Dreamers)ylos padresdeniñosciudadanosestadounidensesparamantenerunidasalasfamiliasenlascomunidadesque durante mucho tiempo han llamado hogar. LosdemócratascreemosquelosEstadosUnidosdeberíaserunsímbolodeesperanzaparaquienessufren deviolenciae injusticias, yesporestoqueprotegeremosyampliaremoselsistemaexistentedeasiloy otrasproteccioneshumanitarias.


Says the same thing as the english above. This one seems to have more “tRuMp!”, but I didn’t officially compare the two.

So the claim that republicans calling the open border open in english seems a bit silly now.

Nice stuff in there about healthcare too.

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Why is there a “backlog of asylum claims” to process?

By walking across the river through the chaparral? You betcha.

How many judges do you need to process the backlog plus 300k more a month?

Isn’t that encounters? Of those how many are asylum.

In any case, I have no idea how many you need.

My thoughts, asking myself, if I put the spaces in between the words adobe took out, added in the healthcare section and printed it-could I convince Venezuelans to commit to $10k or slavery in lieu of?

Maybe get them to hump in a pack of fentanyl while they’re doing it?

Maybe look the other way during a gang rape of a child?

What difference does it make? I’m being charitable and giving you the low number.

All of them. It’s the narrative. And people from your party are coaching them. Why?

Might be nice to know before your party creates a crisis for the rest of us.

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and expand the existing asylum system.

Brandon and the DNC certainly achieved that little goal. Congrats.

Always nice to see the truth in their own pen.

Why are you defending policy that robs black nation teens of their entry level opportunities?

Why are you defending the party that is replacing the black nation with illegal immigrants they leave in limbo, creating an invisible subclass?

Is it for the cheap maids and lawncare?

Wonder what the DNC is going to do with the 30k (and climbing) Chinese that flew from Ecuador to Mexico, then walked in last year?

Going to be hard to justify denying them asylum in 10 years.

In this case it is and it was intentional. As soon as old Joe was sworn in Obama had him reverse all of the border polices of the previous Administration and put out the welcome message around the world. It’s a Democrat humanitarian crisis and disgrace.

Let’s be reasonable.
Any country that is so oppressive it is producing 10,000 or more asylum seekers a month should be cut off from trade with the US and subject to sanctions until their vicious oppressive regime is no longer in power.

End the dictatorships oppressing and jailing their own people.
(or at least stop trading with them.)