Serious input needed on this Question Please

Thanks for the input @Optrader.

I stay on the fence about a lot of issues (like Ukraine) because I don’t trust a thing that Leftists say.

Where the power is down in FL, gas isn’t available either because the pumps are electric.

Could even siphon by hand if desperate.



State law they have generator back up.


Quite true, but people can store gas in cans thus giving them means to travel to an area where there are gas stations.

Thanks. I hate the metric system.

So by your answer a full tank of fuel has the same chance of being replenished as an EV battery?
Mmm I’ll have to disagree on that one.

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I get it, dividing by 10 is hard.

Not to worry though, the Libs are going to force it on America.

They should have forced it on America 60 years ago.

Yep … At least ten stations in each county.

Technically, by an Act of Congress, the US has been on the Metric System since 1975 with the enactment of the Metric Conversion Act. And that was followed up with the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, that amended 1975 law and designates the metric system as the preferred system of weights and measures for United States trade and commerce. But in both cases, they failed to set an enforceable time frame for the conversion.

In the mean time, every do it yourselfer in America has lost or misplaced at least one 10mm wrench. :wink:

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Actually I think that reads all have to have capabilities but cooperations with more then 10 in a county have to have to have access to one.

Nah, dividing by ten is easy. Trying to figure distance in kilometers after a lifetime of thinking in miles- THATS THE HARD PART.

Actually the only thing missing from my socket set is the 5mm one. :grinning:

I use an adjustable wrench for all the ones I have misplaced!

Even we old guys would figure that out within six months after a hard conversion. It the calculation of equation that is difficult. Once you stop doing the conversion it becomes easy.

I got used to 750 ml bottles instead of “fifths” almost overnight. And when was the last time you saw a quart soda bottle? :wink:

Is it metric? :wink:

And now every American generation gets to deal with that hard part instead of getting it over with within one. I still visualize in inches and feet, but I’m trying to get myself more use to working in metric since I took up 3D printing as a hobby.

I’m sure it has its uses and probably would be easier once you get accustomed to it, but you’ve heard the saying you can’t teach an old dog new tricks… It’s all I can do to use a fraction of the capabilities on this android phone without wanting to throw it across the room. There’s functions in this forum I had just learned in the old forum before it changed…

I don’t do change well…

Dang! Now I’ll have to check and get the one I don’t have! :sob::sob: