Serious input needed on this Question Please

There is this:

Freedom of movement under United States law - Wikipedia

As of the right to drive, there is no constitutional guarantee. But if some state wants to ban EVs then, by all means, open up that big ol’ can of worms.

If you are forced to buy an EV because ICEs are no longer sold, your ability to travel is restricted to the distance one could travel with a charged vehicle.


Yeah, so? You are under the same limit now: you are restricted to the distance of your gassed vehicle.

My guess is you believe that you may have stumbled onto a new and novel argument here.

You haven’t.

I’m not I can buy fuel in 50 US States and every Canadian province, I just have to be able to pay for it. If you want to charge an EV during a long distance trip and you run out of juice before finding a charging facility? You are ■■■■■■■
I’m not looking for a fictional argument either, these are simply facts.


The vaccine travel mandates were more appropriate.

Good post.

EV are fine. I just don’t want gov to sell and subsidize.

Gas is all American. EV is all China communist.


Rest easy, we’ll build more charging stations.

This argument is a dud.

There are court cases. No law?

Horses may come back in vogue.


Sure. Slower than EV’s with significantly shorter range.

That’ll show us!:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Horses don’t have a shorter range than EVs that cannot be charged due to government imposed restrictions or failing power grids.


But they are easier to fuel.


A healthy horse can travel 20-30 miles a day*. EV’s have ten times that range

*less, if you are pushing the horse

Uncharged/ unchargable EVs have less range than horses.


They also are fire hazards.

Horse is an emergency food source.


That need power to work.
Pass a law saying, “Your vehicle must be run by a perpetual motion machine. connecting to the grid we own”

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It’s strange where you chose to place your faith.

On one hand, you have no faith that we can generate power, despite the fact that we’ve been doing if for a century, but on the other hand, you have faith that Trump will be reinstalled, despite the fact that there is no way to do that.


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Faith is not some superficial “placing”

horses on boats are fun

A new and novel argument? How new is the constitution?

The idea of an EV mandate is crumbling before it becomes an actual mandate.

“Be not the first by whom the new are tried,
Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.”

― Alexander Pope, An Essay On Criticism

After the grid blows up, y’all can Build Back Better. Right?

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