Senator Hirono doesn’t give a damn about women

Yep, that settles it. You are completely confused about the sequence of events.

The GOP controls the Senate.

They set the agenda.

Feinstien can bring the circus… that doesn’t mean that they had to go to it.

:rofl: “both bases”? There was only base base that went bat ■■■■ crazy. And you blame the other one.


Reade has said that she made harassment complaints to three Biden staffers, none of whom reportedly took action, and that she filed a written complaint with a “Senate personnel office” in 1993, according to The New York Times.

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I’ve been waiting for this to bite the libs in the ass. I will admit I didn’t expect it to be the Kid Sniffer.

So if Sen Hirono excuses Biden, she must excuse Trump as well.

That’s the thing, isnt it? If one is going to support Biden they have just waived any use of Trump’s shennanigans to use against him.

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Yes… the complaint would be in the Senate records… not Biden’s

When they get that report and if it is true, Kid Sniffer is screwed.

He has a copy.

This isn’t a partisan issue for me. Investigate. Dems need to take this seriously.

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No. The Trump stuff has been discussed for 4 years. No new information has come forward. This Biden stuff is new and needs to be looked into as well. Right?

The TV media was not silent on Trump. They are silent on Biden.

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Yep they do,

They won’t though.

This doesn’t even come close to the kavanaugh debacle and they still have it coming later for that.

Where are the calls for Biden to withdraw? Why is it ok to demand Kavanagh withdraw his name, but not Biden?

You’ll just come back…

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Sorry…not buying it.

You’re still assuming Kavenaugh was involved.

It isn’t, I just don’t think we have enough information to push that yet. An investigation is necessary, like right now.

I’ll reserve my judgment based on that. She made an accusation and seems to have corroborating witnesses. Bring it all out.

From the senate judiciary democrat letter:

The serious and credible allegations of one woman should have been enough to require a complete investigation by the FBI. It should not have required multiple women with consistent accounts of serious sexual misconduct by Judge Kavanaugh to trigger a meaningful nonpartisan investigation.

Apparently one woman isn’t enough anymore, because I haven’t heard a single damn one of them call for an investigation of Biden.

So a different standard. Kavanagh should have withdrawn from the start, but not Biden.

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Classic hypocrite. Why am I not seeing any replies?