Senator Hawley's proposal to end political bias by tech giants

Its a shame so many people don’t understand how search engine algorithms work.

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I am honestly interested the wording of the searches that show liberal bias and see apparently what you are seeing.

So if you could please give me an example of specifically would yield a left bias search I would love to test it out.

Here are two examples of politically correct autocomplete search results described in the Project Veritas video:



According to google men are busy getting pregnant while women are busy running for president.

The irony is that if any of these folks were able to work in Silicon Valley they would know that the overwhelming ideology in the major tech companies is liberarianism.

But knowledge is a poor second when you can wrap yourself fin victimization.

I’m not sure what point you think this makes.

So the auto fill is the problem?

That is what show liberal bias?

This is the big conspiracy?

■■■■ that is lame.


Apparently people don’t know the difference between auto fill and search results.

Given that Google works off web hits, can you explain how the algorithm is biased. Not that you don’t like the results, which you are free to do. How does prove that the algorithm is biased. What you are showing is appears to be an effect created by the data input – which is created by millions of people not by Google.

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It is insane.

Who the ■■■■ goes on a search of let’s say “Men can dance without hats” and stops when anything else is suggested?

It would be sad if it wasn’t so lame.

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Don’t you know?

When you start typing something into Google, there’s a soy latte-drinking Liberal at a desk typing out what Google is suggesting you search for. They all get their paychecks drawn directly from the Deep State’s bank account.

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You, sir get demerit for coming close to bringing up that miserable '80s song. In your defense, though, I’m sure google made you do it.

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We can dance if we want to.

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No, all this work for Google is performed by illegal immigrants who are brought to Google through MS 13’s longstanding deal with Sergey Brin.

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Go to Google. Type in Donald Trump’s approval ratings. I had a total of 9 website links come up. 2-3 tops were actual Conservative based websites.

That means in this case the ratio was 3-1. or 66.6 percent in this case were Liberal based websites compared to Conservative ones.

then I clicked on more, and 9 more came up. this time tops 2 out of 9 were Conservative based sites. Which is so far would make 5 out of 20 posts were actually Conservative, and 15 out of 20 are Liberal.

That would mean, out of every 100 posts, 75 percent of them are Liberal Threads and links. and only 25 percent are Conservative links.

Except the Google’s internal documents show otherwise as described in the video.

Their search results are intentionally biased to favor liberal viewpoints, yet they have special exemption from laws that cover news organizations, commentators, and private individuals.

…still waiting for those “documents”.

Again… do you have any actual evidence to support this contention?

No one outside of a very small bubble believes any revelations that come from Project Veritas videos because their work has repeatedly been shown to biased and unreliable.

Produce an actual document, not worked over by the Veritas folks and you might have a credible case, but straight Project Veritas… no sale.

You can leave me far behind.

So it isn’t that the conservative sites aren’t the top hits it’s that there aren’t a 50/50 split.

I remember years ago when Rush Limbaugh was talking about “Net Neutrality” and he called it a “fairness Doctrine” for the Internet not knowing what the next decade would hold.

It is amazing.

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since when is 66 percent, and then 75 percent, 50-50 split? lol.