Senator Hawley's proposal to end political bias by tech giants

The freshman lawmaker’s legislation introduced Wednesday would require companies to prove to the Federal Trade Commission that their algorithms and other ways of filtering content are not biased against a particular party or candidate. If companies don’t do that, they would face losing protections in current law that shield them from being sued over user posts on their sites.

Read more here:

Recent reports demonstrate that Google regularly skews search results to favor Democrats and is working to prevent Trump’s re-election:

Here is the video from Project Veritas that has been deleted from YouTube:

Google has a near monopoly with 75% of searches. Their bias amounts to an unreported in-kind campaign contribution worth billions of dollars. Yet they are exempt from liable laws based on providing free access to all points of view.

Personally I think Senator Hawley’s proposal makes lot of sense.

It has no chance in hell of passing.

Plus, you’ve got all your facts wrong.

What facts are wrong?

Watch the Project Veritas video and get back to me.

Perhaps Google should say “official search engine of the Democratic National Committee” on their home page.

Its all about victimization.

Everything is liberally biased to stop Trump from getting re-elected. There’s no way that Trump can lose on his own, he’s just so amazing.


We can start here:

Haven’t you guys gotten sick being made fools off by O’Keefe?

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When are people going to stop supporting Project Veritas?

When Project Veritas stops supporting their agenda.

The non-reality based will continue to support him as long as he feeds them the alternative reality they rely on.

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Absolutely not.

Perhaps you guys should stop endlessly whining, and start your own search engine?

The facts don’t appear on the Google search therefore they aren’t facts . . .

Sounds pretty accurate.

Maybe if Americans or people in this thread don’t believe it, they should simply do a Google search, on something political, and see what the top searches come up as?

Not just for one subject but for several. Then see, if the top searches are a ratio of Democrat based sites and views compared to Republicans ones. The proof is in the pudding, and as a Conservative I implore people to seek the truth out for themselves!!!

The epitome of fake news. :rofl:

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Of course it “sounds pretty accurate” to you.

It’s not, but I’m sure it “sounds” good to you.

22:25 in the Project Veritas video:

1984 should not be a user manual on how to run society

I agree with that.

You’re sitting there and pointing fingers with no answers.

As a Conservative, I’m sitting here, asking people to search the truth out for themselves, and if they do, they’ll see what the OP is saying is true.

It truly is amazing how my time on this message board has come full circle.

When I first joined this site 12 years ago, it seemed like every other post was a Conservative fearmongering about the “Fairness Doctrine”.

Now those same posters are screaming from the rooftops, demanding a new internet Fairness Doctrine.


Here you go, try this instead

Google could continue with their bias under Senator Hawley’s proposal. It is just that they could be sued for liable if their search is biased to direct towards libelous content.

I think they could already face prosecution for violating campaign finance laws. Companies spend millions to get near the to of search results. Google provides that service to liberal candidates for free, while at the same time burying content that would be unfavorable their campaigns.

So you don’t think Americans, should think for themselves and do the research then? To find out the real truth?