Senate President: Kentucky Senate Majority calls for investigation into Bevin Pardons

It happens and happens frequently if you don’t read the whole thread.

Probably has happened to all of us at one time or another.

If you read a post that shows it’s a reply to a previous post it always helps to at least look at the post it was replying to.

I did that right before admitting to my error.

Yep, like I said, we’ve all done it.

Do you think he would have pardoned him if he had won the election?

That’s a good question. It seems doubtful doesn’t it?

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

It does to me. So if the money was raised before the outcome of the vote, how can it be said he was paid to pardon him?

The money was raised for his campaign but maybe it went into his pocket, but after that, it’s a bit murky. Maybe he expected to lose, I haven’t looked into that aspect. Either way, it was an evil thing to do pardoning those bastards.

I agree, but think it is a stretch they raised the money before hand for that. Maybe to commute it to life. Wouldn’t surprise me he then when he lost, raised his middle finger at everybody.

The brother also made a large donation after the loss to help pay down Bevins campaign debt.

Ok thanks I did not realize that.

There was a thread on this topic already, that OP used a link with that info. I’m too lazy to try and find it. :slight_smile:

lol, If I wasn’t lazy today I could have found it.

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I do believe that is it. Clearly something fishy was going on. That’s got to be a crime in and of itself.

My response got removed for some reason. So I’ll say it again. I’m pretty confident Arpaio, D’Souza and Conrad Black are Trump donors. Not sure how much, but I know they LOVE Trump(campaigned for him) and D’Souza illegally donated to a Republican, so…

But, can’t prove it right now, but any rational person would think they are Trump donors. And they were pardoned by Trump. Fact. And as a wise man said, "Not every claim can or has to be provable.”

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this needs to act as a millstone around teh necks of the GOP
blanket the airwaves with soundbites of trump praising bevin and then put up photos of the rapists and killers bevin pardoned.

use it like the GOP used the willie horton ads against dukakis in the 80’s

You didn’t support Obama.

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With the McDonnell case the SC pretty much set the bar at you must have audio and/or video evidence that goes:

Hey, Mr./Ms. Politician, I’ll give you money to do a thing for me.

Why, yes, I’ll accept this money and in return I’ll make sure that thing gets done.

In 2018, Conrad Black wrote a glowing book about President Donald Trump . On May 15, 2019, he was granted a full pardon by Trump .

Sounds like a quid pro quo.

You realize the difference here.

Your comparing apples to oranges

Why not? What’s good for the goose.