Senate Intel Subpoenas Don Jr

No. The report is available without any claims of executive privilege and is available to both you and Congress. You can download a copy from the DOJ and read the whole thing without any redactions for executive privilege. You will find the same traditional redactions we always see, for matters still under investigation, grand jury documents(required by law) and methods and means.
If you were part of the Congressional leadership you would even have these redacted portions available except for those which you, as Congress, had made illegal to release (grand jury).
However, if you were not interested in the actual report but just wanted to make a show you might pretend that it was not illegal to release grand jury documents.

Seems like somebody said the unredacted report was available to Congress in a secure room and not one of them has gone?

As a thought experiment - The Speaker is within his/her power to order the Sergeant-at-Arms to physically remove someone from the chamber and confine them in an office in the building for some length of time.

It would almost certainly result in a habeas corpus claim, but it’s interesting to think about.

I agree. They could make it a strong room, with no phone or other communications. No windows.

It was offered to 12 Congress types, of which 2 actually looked at it.

Maybe the other 10 were too busy complaining.

In any case the conclusion that there was insufficient evidence of cooperation probably tells them not to bother looking at it.

Both republicans? Why is Congress not complying with their oversight responsibilities? It almost seems like this is political.


They already have that apparatus. Problem is that if only one of two people are privledged to see it, when it gets “leaked” make it pretty easy to figure out who did it.

This is standard government type procedure here.

Whats interesting is both sides just love to claim they would never do this and that, and yet will both do it at the first opportunity to do so.

We’re talking about a room for the Sergeant-At-Arms to “sequester” some people for a while. Not read a report.

That’s not what the 5th says.

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

You are not compelled to be a witness against yourself.

Only when it’s a witch hunt and the interpreter of the response has TDS.


It’s a witch hunt.

I missed that. That probably wouldn’t be a good look in pretty much any situation.

We don’t care about optics! We want some oversight!

It seems like people just keep underestimating Pelosi. She is hated for a reason. And that reason is she is fairly masterful in the way she can direct the house, shes the evil step sister of the ■■■■■■■■ McConnell.

Then why isn’t she a ■■■■■■■■ too?

She’s actually more like Trump. Chuckie too.

Big difference between a private individual and a person that heads one if not must powerful agency in our country…a public servant no less pleading the 5th.

I didn’t say she wasn’t. The election of people like AOC and the likes are a testament to just how unpopular she is. The evidence of her knowing how to do what she does, is she can still whip members in the party at that level of hatred.

Think about that for a second. Even through endless claims of the democrat party being taken over by socialists, and far left wing crazies, she can still be an effective leader and present a coherent party. Now contrast that to the TEA party who couldn’t be reigned in and see how that basically let Obama get reelected, and how quickly they fell by the wayside.

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And receiving her pension.

Meanwhile it embolden other agencies to use their department as a political weapon since their was no repercussions for her actions.

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