Senate Intel Subpoenas Don Jr

Don Jr. should also ask Senator Burr that according to the Mueller report, after getting a briefing from Comey about the Russia inquiry, Burr passed information about the status of the investigation along to the White House.

That would also be cool.

No. I’m not sure it’s a good idea. But I would risk it. Somebody has to end this debacle. It might as well be with Don Jr. Charge him or move on. The harassment needs to stop.

And he doesn’t say it like that. He says "On the advice of counsel, I am executing my 5th amendment right."

I believe that they would not be calling him back unless Mueller found evidence that he misled Congress. Sure he can plead the fifth. And then we will get to see the multiple clips of daddy saying how taking the fifth is only for criminals and mob bosses.

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After about the Eigth Benghazi investigation it will.

That’s the risk. But I would absolutely take it. Charge him or move on.

I’d like to see him answer every question with, “Like with a cloth?”


The relevant part of the 5th reads as follows:

No person shall . . . be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself

It’s not like it’s a secret, what pleading the 5th means. We all watch Law and Order.

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Automatic admission of guilt? Is that the intent?

Softballs to allow him to avoid perjury. I’m sure this is well coordinated.

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Sure. And we also watched this lady do exactly what I am asking Don to do.


It’s not a legal admission of guilt - and the intent is clear from the amendment.

But we’re not talking about a court of law here.

No? Strange.

We did.

How’d that work out for her, in terms of publicity?

What is “strange” about what I said?

Well she didn’t get impeached. And she retired with full benefits. So she probably doesn’t care.

Sure seems to be one. Kamala going on about being a prosecutor, witnesses, testimony, subpoenas, contempt, etc.

Fine. She’s not in jail.

As we already discussed earlier, Congress doesn’t have the power to try criminals, or punish them with jail time.

Well, maybe they should.