Sec of Defense: Turkey appears to be committing war crimes

Gotta stop extinction by charging high taxes on fossil fuels that go to their respective governments.

Bull ■■■■■ OPEC. Who controls OPEC?

I actually brought it right after the news came out when libs started their whining.

But as always…libs decided to ignore it.

so not only did Trump get punked by a tinpot dictator in Syria, but deployed 1500 troops to Saudi Arabia because another tinpot dictator punked him.


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I noticed.

It’s seems they want Trump to go to war with Turkey on one hand while tying American soldiers hands on other.

no one is suggesting going to war with Turkey, and are you talking about that solider who is being charged by the U.S military for crimes… totally the libs.

Lets not forget…you also wanted us to put our soldiers in harms way in Ukraine to stop the Russians.

Personally I’m ■■■■■■■ getting tired of non Americans committing our troops. But that’s just me.

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Endless wars. Spending our treasure.

There is like 1,000 western soldiers currently in Ukraine.

I care so little what you think about my posting habits.

And I care so little about your concerns.

Us liberals don’t care for bloodthirsty war mongers.

Republican care enough to bow down to two dictators within a week,

I remember when America was cool, what happen when did the drinking start.

They still don’t get it. Trump is basically carrying out democrats policies. Whether it’s troop pullback, securing our border, wanting to fix healthcare, transparency in our goverment, bring jobs home…but yet libs still aren’t happy.

Something isn’t right inside their head.

Coward didn’t even tag fat donald.

They will never be happy.

Turkey is a member of NATO. Let NATO step up to the plate. Or, Is that too much to ask?

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I want democrats to put their money where there mouth is. :wink:

Who cares what the dems do? They will turn around and with the help of the MSM and deny everything if it isn’t politically expedient.

Or, screw NATO.

Wanna be globlists or want to do the right thing.

What a conundrum. In the meantime, lives are being lost while NATO pisses and moans over their budget shortfall. :tired_face: