Sec of Defense: Turkey appears to be committing war crimes

yeah seeing this happening…
not enough i told you so, it wont bring them back nor will it put the genie back in the bottle. Trump OWNS this and the Dems better not let this go because we know the GOP wont do a damn ■■■■■■■ thing

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lies. Trump didn’t draw a red line, trump waved the ■■■■■■■ start flag for turkey to go rampaging.

Umm, but would that hurt Trump Tower Istanbul profits?

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If Americans die this is going to turn into a supernova.

im ready for fox to go wall to wall clinton email and AOC dancing clips.

In order to prevent endless war we…decided to destabilize a precarious situation leading to the return of displacement, terrorism, murder, and war.

So libs…should we move all our military out of Turkey?

Yes or no?

Would it have turned in to a supernova if Americans died last week?

Before or after Trump pulled those troops and caused this? Any point after that happened.

Turkey was never, ever going to attack an american special ops base before this. all Trump had to do was to tell them “shut up, sit down and listen here” and instead we had Turkey tell trump “shut up, sit down, and listen here”
trump got punked and let the genie out of the bottle because he is a corrupt coward.

American troops bracketed with mortar fire, supplies lines cut, in a chaotic environment with militias and proxies assassinating politicians and bombing press and civilians convoys around them. All because their chosen man, Trump, decided to wing it on a phone call. That’s reality.

Trumpsters : “But imagine this alternate history that makes Trump a hero all while getting a hole in one while golfing today”

Let us not forget all the American men and women have gone to volunteer to fight for the Kurds as well.


edited because might not be accurate beside the dead by turkey part.

Of course con.

We need to bring more troops to Saudi Arabia and pave the way for Trump Tower Riyadh.


I dunno, maybe? Conservatives managed to turn a handful of people dying into a whole six year thing.

Trump Pride

move em all out?

The ME is way longer than a “6 year thing”.

It was a bigly orange line…paid for by Mexico.

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C’mon…do you really think Donnie’s “followers” care about the military?