Seattle Hires Convicted Felon

Pretty dumb

I agree. It was a stupid decision by Seattle.

When you thought people couldn’t lose their minds anymore than they already have…

I mean they couldn’t find some low level pot dealer to be the street Czar? They had to go for one of the worst dregs of society for this position??


I’m sure the Mayor sifted through hundreds of applicant’s bona fides before settling on a pimp / convicted felon.

Sweet payday for this dude too! 150k to be an “advocate?”

Do you live there? Otherwise, you are just getting upset for no reason.

More stupid in Seattle

Maybe “intelligent” would be a better choice?

There are many different ways to become educated.

Being a convicted felon doesn’t make you qualified either.

Since they are forced to crime because of oppression, doesn’t it make sense that the worse the crime the more they know about oppression?

True, but common usage is schooling.

And if Biden is elected expect federal dollars to go to recompense left states for this sort of extortion payment.

"However, Taylor also encouraged CHOP protesters to ask the city for money before agreeing to leave the occupied zone.

“You gotta get something,” he told protesters in a recorded conversation, according to the Seattle Times. “Let me make that happen for you, and then I can bring that back to you. I don’t know, we’ll ask for $2 million. They might give us $1 million, but let’s ask for it. Because the reason why we’re holding that space is not only for George Floyd but for the millions of George Floyds.”

It shouldn’t blanketly disqualify you though unless job specific.

Obviously thug is a requirement for this position.

Maybe they need someone rough.

No doubt, although “sleazy” is probably better. Kid pimp doesn’t strike me as “rough”. Takes a special kind of coward to prey on children.

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I haven’t been to Seattle in 45 years. From what I’ve seen of it in the last 6 months on tv it’s turned into a ■■■■ hole. I feel sorry for the good people who live there and the law enforcement who’ve been hamstrung and can’t properly protect the citizens. There’s an old saying: “ya gets the goobermint ya votes for”. The people who run and manage the cities of Seattle, Portland and a few other cities in America including NYC are epic failures at the jobs the citizens elected them to do. In addition to being ideological ■■■■■■■■■

Looks like a well grounded fellow.

Contributing member of society.

I am sure he will know exactly to reform the police. Every post is showing more and more that this was a quality choice.