Seattle Hires Convicted Felon

Is the person qualified for the position?

I could care less if this child pimp turned his life around. No way to redeem yourself on that one as far as I am concerned.

I see.

Some crimes are punishable forever.

Because labeling people irredeemable helps society function…how again, exactly?

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:rofl: Excellent question!

It is. That is all that should matter.

If you wanted to show the public that you’re committed to the actual “reform” part of defunding the police, this isn’t a serious hire.

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Oh it wasn’t sarcasm at all.

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Why not?

Maybe he’ll surprise you.

So, no crime should be punishable by life with no possibility of parole? Disagree.

Don’t get embarrassed!

Do you think there are certain jobs that felons should not be able to hold?
How about based on their crimes?

It’s a great question - what do you think?

Certainly people convicted of sex crimes working in schools and people convicted of fraud working in financial services come to mind as no-mos. These are largely driven by industry regulations.

But if you keep felons in low status positions, you make recidivism higher, which is something we see high levels of in the US.


Anything’s possible. It’s not the fact that he’s a felon that’s objectionable, it’s the offense. An ex-child trafficker is a mockery of whatever they think they’re achieving and only generates controversies like this. A better statement might have been somebody who was wrongly convicted, or had actually endured police violence.

I’m sure he’s much better qualified then people who have years of experience, advanced degrees and certifications, a clean rap sheet.

Yeah, I would probably have an objection if my taxpayer money was paying, but I also don’t have his full story.

Having degrees does not make one ‘educated’

Umm, pretty sure it does.

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Must not have been any murderers or rapists available to take the job.

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