What damage?
The Guardian posted a story about Sean Hannity’s business dealings.
That’s all they did.
What damage?
The Guardian posted a story about Sean Hannity’s business dealings.
That’s all they did.
We are talking about tax law and those who follow its rules being attacked by our Fifth Column media and Yellow Journalists.
Did you complain when the Obama Administration set up a shadow government multi-billion dollar green energy money laundering operation?
__80% of green energy money taxed away from the wages of hard working American Citizens WENT TO Obama donors._
Yes, From HUD.
Imagine if a friend of Obama was using HUD money to snap up foreclosures.
The real problem here is HUD and its doings are not authorized by our Constitution.
Imagine if Obama’s pals snapped up billions of dollars in a shadow government green energy money laundering operation.
Oh wait. That’s exactly what happened.
__80% of green energy money taxed away from the wages of hard working American Citizens WENT TO Obama donors.
2013? Stop parroting left-wing propaganda.
That’s different buddy. Remember they don’t hold themselves to standard that they demand others.
Same thing with our justice system.
Have you stopped beating your wife yet?
have you…
And then they call the “others” hypocrites. This is right out of the book “Rules for Radicals”, which is our Fifth Column’s bible these days.
That’s not propaganda, that’s the truth.
Hannity was investing in restate before Trump even announced,and that’s the truth.
Lemmings are followers without the ability to think for themselves and why they parrot our Fifth Column’s propaganda. It makes them feel intelligent.
when i google ‘Elizabeth Warren takes HUD loan’ I get nothing. Do you have a link?
Information is out there on right news sites. So why…you will only dismiss em.
as I mentioned, my google doesn’t show them. A link would be helpful.
I found this:
No mention of HUD loans unless I missed it. Which I could have - just skimmed it.
From your own link
In June 1993, Warren bought another foreclosed property in Oklahoma City, this one on West Wilshire Boulevard, for $61,000 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Because properties purchased from HUD are sold as is, and because foreclosed homes can have damage ranging from simple poor upkeep to stripped copper, “the only reason you do that is for profit,” says Steve Stout, residential field supervisor at the Oklahoma County Assessor’s Office.
Doesn’t say HUD guaranteed the loan which is what we were talking about.