SCOTUS Appointment 2022

Not true.

Also not true.

Why did Reagan pick a woman for SCOTUS?

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Pandering for votes.

The nominee has to be black, female AND qualified.

Thereā€™s only a handful with the necessary qualifications.

Layman need not apply.


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Why did Bush Sr. pick Clarence Thomas?

Pandering for votes.

And it wasnā€™t true either with trumps only picking white people. Lol.

Biden just evens it out.


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Of course every president views ther picks through the lens of politics. Reagan knew it would play well with the woman voter. But thats a pretty cold calculation that he only did it for that reason. But ok.

What other reason was there? Was she the best judge available or the best female judge avalble?

I guess youā€™re right- Reagan shouldnt have picked a woman for SCOTUS. Interesting where youre taking this.

Black nation is 10% of the population. 10% of 9 is 1. Is there a member of the black nation on the SCOTUS? Yes.

So how does this pick have to be black to bring anything into line with ā€œAmericaā€?


Iā€™m not saying that, Iā€™m saying they should be picking the best possible judges, not men or women, black or white.

Well now youā€™re just being silly. But if you want to go there- white men make up 31 % of our country but 55 % of the Supreme Court. Not really representational of the US demographic.


By your logic you are saying that Oā€™Connor and Thomas should not have been picked.

He wants them to be be qualified, black, woman.

98% have been white men. Maybe he is trying to correct the over representation by white males?

How is my question silly?

You arenā€™t listening. I am saying it doesnā€™t have to be a woman or a black person.

No, he doesnā€™t. He said the pick will be female and black.