Say her name. She deserves it

I agree. No one deserves to die

The boyfriend of the murdered woman said so…:man_shrugging:t5:

I’ve understood the story since the beginning. Take your condescending crap elsewhere.

Because they want it to be and really have nothing else.

Well the boyfriend probably spoke the truth then.


You admitted you didn’t read the OP :rofl:

“The Story” and “The OP” are two different things.

Perhaps some study of English would be enlightening?

All Lives Matter as a response to Black Lives Matter is the issue.

Like telling a breast cancer patient “All cancer matter” as a response to her talking about her mammogram.

That’s true…but I have lived through all of that being turned around and being absolutely ridiculed by the masses. I have lived through the laws of 1964and a helping financial hand being being passed. I have lived through our nation’s culture embracing the black community through art, music and much of their culture…like rap, hip-hop, hair styles…right down to how young people wear their hat. I have lived through many in the black community being singled out and honored for their talents in sports, drama, music and political contributions…to the point where “we the people” elected a President of color.

Now the history I speak of is for over the past 50 years. Most people of color alive today aren’t that old, meaning that they haven’t been “enslaved and had racist names used against them for hundreds of years”. It’s time to stop looking back at what once was and grasp the reality of what actually is today.

If there is a problem that needs to be addressed in the black community, it is no longer an external one. It’s now an internal one and would best be solved by inner reflection. Allow me once again to suggest that the single largest problem of all races today in the US, is children not being raised in a loving manner by the same two that brought them into this world. Fix that…and “we” will have peace, prosperity and harmony through out the land.

But just a few cops represent all cops.

And a few dead and mouldy white people represent all white people living and dead.

Sorry… you people need to debate fairly.

The story is IN the OP.

Please continue to try to wiggle your way out of this.

How many posts will you spend? :rofl:

I don’t have to wiggle, this board is not my source of news.

You don’t get that chanting Black Lives Matter insinuates that only Black Lives matter? That’s a bit offensive.

Saying All Lives Matter should offend no one.


Does marching for the Susan g komen organization mean that only Breast Cancer Matters?

Does saying you love your wife mean that you don’t love anyone else?

The phrase is “Black Lives Matter” not “ONLY Black Lives Matter”

Great post. I lived through those times as well having been born in 53.

Well yes, that’s their sole purpose for existing as a foundation.

But you knew what this thread was about based on the title? Or did you “read” the OP? :rofl:

I saw the headline, kind of hard to avoid when clicking on the thread for the first time and I knew exactly what it was about.

The insinuation is there in my opinion. Black lives do matter but then so do all lives.

Including Blue Lives as well.

The propaganda picture worked.

Not quite, “innocent lives”.