Say her name. She deserves it


The first paragraph of the story.

A young mother was shot and killed on July 5 following an argument over the Black Lives Matter movement, according to her family. Jessica Doty-Whitaker 24, was with her fiancé, Jose Ramirez, and two other people near the downtown canal in Indianapolis,Indiana-in the early hours of Sunday, July 5, when their group entered into a dispute with another group over the use of a racial slur, according to Fox 59


Not even gonna read this thread. It will be filled with strawmen, red herrings, gas lighting, and putting words in other people’s mouths to defend BLM thugs.


And one of the two slurs was used to keep black people in slavery for centuries and then used to keep them in their place decades after slavery was abolished.

Does cracker have that same history of oppression associated with it?

Not excusing the term but equivalencing cracker and “n” seems lazy and inaccurate.

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Are you part of the Baltimore Oriole organization?

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A Cracker Jack box is still the same.

See cracker is not forbidden on hannity.

So of course there is a difference.


You are mistaken. Your post reads like soft bigotry. No slur has that power over black people. Black people have always been stronger than that.

Chains, guns, whips, ropes… these kept black people in slavery… not racial slurs.


the democrat stoked race war continues…


The “n” word is inextricably entwined with slavery and white supremacy. Cracker is not used from any similar position of power. If you want to pretend they are equally bad, go right ahead. I find that revealing.


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You can defend your post all you want. “Inextricably entwined with” is not the same as “used to keep”.

Many peoples suffer slurs and don’t become slaves or even oppressed at the level of loss of civil right. So pretending that the use of a slur is tool of slavery or severe level of oppression is mistaken.
And has been said before the N word is used all the time. At worst, its use by white people is cultural appropriation… not an act of slavery or oppression.

I read it as if they considered “all lives matter” to be the slur. Which doesn’t make sense.

Cracker isn’t even insulting.

Yes, the “n” word was used to keep black people in line during and after slavery. Obviously it was not the only tool in the bigot’s belt.

Thanks for setting me straight. Slurs are equal and have no individual histories that create unique powers associated with them. Got it.

Well I guess we just shouldn’t be so offended by it then.

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Agreed. No comparison to the N word.

“The only power words have over us is the power we give them.”-Me.

I need to remind myself of that more often.

The word was used in conversation among one group. Another group overheard it, took umbrage and confronted them.

It was not used as a slur against the other group or anyone in it.

This is the story from the boyfriend. It hasn’t been proven.

It was corroborated by the father who was present as well.

I’m sure the police are investigating and I trust the murderer is found and prosecuted.

Unsure how this is some kind of gotcha moment regarding BLM, it most certainly is not.

Then read the story.

Can you share a link to that story?

Seems odd that the “n word” was being used in casual conversation and that another group would hear it.