SARS-like virus spreading rapidly in China; cities quarantined; cases in US

Yet this year the CDC estimates there have been 14-36,000 deaths in the US from the seasonal flu since October 1 through February 8th.

14,000 is the conservative estimate. The number could be 36,000 according to the CDC.

The interviewee is credible, and references scientific papers. It appears that during the Obama administration a US lab engineered the virus as a bio weapon and sold it to China who used technology bought from Australia to make it more deadly still, but suffered a leak of the virus from its Wuhan BSL4 lab several hundred metres from the Wuhan meat market.

And the following link is a more recent interview with updated research info.

The black death wiped out half the known populationā€¦

800 is nothing.

Sure they areā€¦its bigger than sarsā€¦we need to ban travelā€¦panicā€¦

They are dangerous because they are idiots


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If you canā€™t trust greatgameindia and Infowars who can you trust?


I was reading yesterday that there are two strains of the flu running simultaneously. So, someone could get one strain, get well, then get the other strain.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) ā€” Itā€™s been a bad flu season for children nationwide and now officials say there is a second wave of influenza spreading. Pennsylvania has more than 72,000 confirmed cases of the flu, which is just a small reflection of the number of people who are sick.

ā€œDoctorā€ Francis Boyle has a Doctor of Law degree (lawyer) and a PhD in political science. Heā€™s not a medical doctor, just to avoid confusion. Here is a list of his publications. Iā€™m not sure an out of print book from 15 years ago or drafting a 30 year old law makes you a modern day ā€œexpert.ā€


You likely inspire about a dozen other libs here to make similar claims. :rofl:

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Thatā€™s fine. Honestly thatā€™s why I hadnā€™t brought it up until the last year when I was asked directly. I donā€™t think my degree or profession makes me instantly correct, so Iā€™d rather those things not be a part of the conversation anyway. Iā€™ve done a poor job of that in this thread.

Thereā€™s really no reason why anyone would or should believe what Iā€™ve said anyway (as to my background). Iā€™m not going to post diplomas or medical licenses or hospital IDs in order to verify things. That would be incredibly naĆÆve and potentially dangerous on my part.


Funny, thatā€™s when all the other libs suddenly became Doctors.

Thank you for shining a light on that mystery. lol

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Anyone here know anyone that has died of the flu in the last year or so?

36,000? :thinking:

Yes. Iā€™ve had 3 friends and 2 other members of my Congregation pass from complications due to the flu in the last 2-3 years. But we are all in the moreā€¦seasonedā€¦parts of our lives.

Apologies, I will clarify.

Anyone here know any healthy individuals who have died from the flu in the last year or so?


I know I am late to the party, but in the spirit of this post, I predict that social media posts will appear claiming that this was whipped up in the lab and unleashed on China to keep their economy from taking ours.

President Trump, seeing these posts, will either Tweet about doing it, or make an off handed reference about it at a rally.

Libs try to chew their own ears off while Trumpublicans will praise him for taking bold action to defend the United States.

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No worries. You didnā€™t know. 2 of them were healthy. One was 71 and the other was close to 80 but both in fine health at their ages. The other 3 had underlying health issues. Bouts of cancer. Heart issues. Immune problems.

ETA: My friend who was 71 when she passed had just run her third full marathon a few months before passing.

Is the information at John Hopkins about COVID-19 reliable?

We may have different opinions on ā€œhealthyā€ as well I suppose. Physically fit at 71 is healthy for being 71 in my view.

Anyway, Iā€™ve never really heard of healthy people in their 20ā€™s-30ā€™s ever dying from the flu (or pneumonia) either.