Sanders could very will be the 2020 democratic nominee

I believe my country’s current immigration policy is disgusting, inhumane and appallingly racist.

Who is talking about communism?

oh - Bernie is. he disguises it (thinly) with things like “democrat socialism” etc but being a lover of communism it is obvious what he intends.

He’ll be the most socialist candidate since Hillary Clinton who was a clone of that socialist Barack Obama.

I saw that. I’m sure “woman” doesn’t have anything to do with it.

You don’t get it.

What was Trump’s record serving in elected office prior to becoming president?

“Frankly, you just can’t imagine just how little we really care”.

Skin tone and anatomy are now qualifications for president.

Who cares?

“If you sit to pee, you’re the candidate for me!”

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Those trying to have an honest argument.

But only if you wear a vagina hat while marching!

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not all of them. Instead of watching FOX propaganda, why don’t you do some research on the candidates? They are NOT the same.

I have watched and listened to them.

Where are the substantial differences?

not all candidates want medicare for all. not all candidates wants free college.

Which of them are not supporting some version of both? Links?

Pete is not for medicare for all. Pete is NOT for free college for all. Do your research and don’t listen to FOX propaganda.

Seriously, learn something.

He has his own versions of both.

And it’s not a total takeover of the medical issue like Sanders or Warren. I think a buy-in option is good. It doesn’t force people onto a system they might like want.