San Francisco. Poop city

Those aren’t trade offs, they’re advantages!

Where I live in Denton county we’ve been here long enough that it’s no longer suburban sprawl but urban fill, as the hold out bits of rural between Lake Dallas and the now ironically named Farmers Branch are disappearing at an alarming rate. Even on the north side of Denton it’s going on way too fast.

Did you hear the one about the world’s dumbest hostage taker? He demanding a million dollars and a bus to Cuba, Missouri, for the release of the hostages.

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I don’t mind the distances at all. 11 miles is nothing when it’s just you and maybe two other people on the road. There are many nights of insomnia where I find myself craving something that I don’t have in my kitchen, and it sure would be handy to have access to delivered food. Other than that there’s not much a city would have that interests me anymore, so I’m not at a loss over all.

There’s always Amazon Prime.

Having access to Doordash is both a blessing and a curse

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About close at hand …

True story:

Years ago I was the photofinisher for the police in a west Texas city.

Most of the time it was just process the film, but occasionally they’d ask for prints up front.

Well, this one time they did and mighty peculiar prints they were. There were pictures of a broken window at some convenience store, some money on the counter, an empty beer or three can on the street, at least one empty beer can on the sidewalk and finally someone’s front door with a few bullet holes in it.

Seems this fella had been drinking hard and run out of beer in the wee AM hours. No problem as just across the street was a place to but more.

But they were closed.

So, one broken window and leaving money for the beer later the guy proceeded to shotgun beers … probably not keeping to a straight line … as he walked the short distance home.

The police followed the empties to his front door.

Which he shot up when they knocked on it … thankfully his aim was about as good as you might expect and no one was injured.

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I am actually not suggesting anything. As I told Cynic, I’m just telling it like it is.

Both of my daughters live and work in Seattle. I hear from them exactly what a struggle it is for regular people to get by there, money wise, if you don’t hold one of those six-figure + jobs at Microsoft, Amazon or Google, et al.

The MAT program highlighted in the film seems to be having some success in Rhode Island. As suggested as a possible partial or a place to at least begin, I think it’s worth a try as opposed to doing nothing.

And they are right. The cost of living in seattle is 49% higher than the national average.

Zillow list apartments in Seattle ranging from 2k (studio) to 8k.

What’s kind of funny and a little bit sad: You are so committed to free market principles that you won’t suggest doing anyting even if your daughters are almost certainly going to suffer. (I guess they could always pull themselves up by their bootstraps and go to law school, get an MBA or learn to code.)

On the other hand, I’m in favor of a little bit of regulation or taxation to ensure a more equitable local economy even if it means that my long term earnings potential might be diminished.

Do your daughters share your political views? Are they opposed to things like regulations that encourage development of affordable housing, or taxes that pay a living wage for teachers, etc.? Are they happy knowing that wage gap that separates them from accountants, lawyers, engineers, software developers and other highly skilled professionals is likely to expand in the coming 5-10 years if left unchecked?

Yes let’s arrest all of the homeless in Seattle and ship them off to rehab on an island prison that doesn’t currently exist because you saw a video that devoted 10 minutes to present anecdotal evidence of success in a small town 2500 miles away. Seems like a well conceived plan.

Again, I am not advocating anything nor am I criticizing anything. And there certainly has not been anything political about what I have said. I am simply telling it like it is. Why are you trying to read something else into that? Are you so partisan yourself that you cannot comprehend someone else not being political?

It’s getting over developed. It’s home of some of the world’s most spectacular nature. If you can keep it. At the rate Y’all have been importing third world poor, that’s no guarantee. You lose more of it every day.

Never saw poop in DC (politicians excluded) but I did witness a homeless man urinate while laying on a bench on Ny Ave.

It’s your capitalism too! The same capitalism that gave you the highest quality of life of anywhere in the world. The same capitalism that drives millions of third world poor to try to get here. They aren’t trying to sneak into Cuba now are they?

No we are actually exporting our poor out…more rich people move in, something about the weather…

No. The flow of dirt poor third world illegals into California never ends. The people who leave are fleeing high taxes.

You read the article?

Cause what your saying makes no sense

Indeed, it has been so unusual that the filthiness of OWS once earned them ridicule.

I really wanted to post a clip of Edmund Blackadder selling his home and trying to delacately describe the nature of his street facing facilities … but couldn’t find one.

Ooooh, my goodness - a letter to the editor? Well, that seals it, coastal cities objectively suck!

You can add that letter to your vast research and extensive personal experience of what it’s like living in California.

The letter was about Portland. Contrary to popular belief among Californians, Portland is not in California.