Samantha Bee losing sponsors

Rush lost 38% of his sponsors for saying slut. Bee lost two. Life goes on for liberals.

I think we’re having a disconnect over the meaning of the word “context”.

It doesn’t refer to a narrative that exists on your head.

You may have forgotten how this conversation started - with you claiming that the term “mistake” only referred to unintentional acts. That’s what we’re still talking about.

And life went on for Rush. Still has a job, still makes millions of dollars a year.

So liberals really didn’t care Rush said the word slut?

I can only speak for myself, but I don’t really care.

I’m sure there were plenty of liberals who whined about it, just like you are doing now.

I’m sure some did, what does that have to do with your, “life goes on” thing?

Just that the so-called champions for women’s right and all that ■■■■■■■■ they espouse - is just that - ■■■■■■■■■

lol seriously. because the response is an obvious attempt to amplify her stature. boy…

now, should Bee lose sponsors?

my opinion is that it is up to them. given they are not pressured or intimidated

should she lose sponsors, or only laura ing because you hate opposing views on the teevee?

Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you were changing the subject.

It’s an obvious attempt to point out that your characterization of her as unknown was obviously not true. A thinking man would recognize that.

Not changing the topic at all. Just that they only get infuriated when someone they don’t like says anything that can be taken as harmful to women. It doesn’t matter when someone on their own side does it.

Complete ■■■■■■■■■ If they really were infuriated by Rush, you’d think they come out with guns blazing against Bee.

But you didn’t hear a whisper.

I see, and all the conservatives in a tizzy about Bee were just as upset about Rush?

I think he’s trying to imply that because conservatives don’t care about women’s rights, it’s not hypocrisy for them to get upset by one and not the other.

As you said, “I’m sure some were.”

How about you?

How did you react to Rush calling Fluke a “slut”?

Were you outraged? Or did you endlessly defend it?

Just using the liberal stereotype of conservatives here…

Why don’t we stick to what’s actually happening in this thread, rather than what’s going on in your head?

I flat out said he shouldn’t have called her a slut. And I haven’t listened to him since.

she was unknown enough to break out with offensive cringeworthy unfunny attacks on people who werent even Trump. But the idealess souless left - what can you expect right?

Sam Bee sponsors - should they stick with her or nah? time to get back to the topic. if you dare

Ok, I’ll take your word for it.