Nice condescension. Ask my reaction then call ■■■■■■■■■
There’s no need to be so defensive. I’m not being condescending - since we don’t have the archives of the old board available, there’s no way for me to confirm what your reaction was. So I’m taking your word for it.
Gotcha. I haven’t listened to Rush in years. And it burns me tht liberals who do the same thing have a different standard for their own.
Did it burn you when many (if not most) of the other conservatives here gave Rush a complete pass?
To thine self be true. Constantly trying to find hypocrisy in your opponents while ignoring the same on your own side is an exercise in futility.
Does it bother you that liberals don’t seem… scratch that… flat out don’t care that Bee said that about Ivanka? While going full-bore at Rush?
Or don’t you care what your side does?
They should drop her if they think it’s in their best interest. I felt the same way about Rosanne, ABC decided it was the smart play to drop her, I’m fine with that, if they had decided to stick with her, I would have been fine with that too.
I don’t take responsibility for anyone other than myself. Other liberals can do whatever they want.
So why do you care about the reaction, or lack thereof, to Bee?
I don’t.
I’m not here to discuss theoretical liberals or conservatives.
I like how she’s reclaiming the word.
well we agree about Bee. see!
ABC’s decision was too hasty and obviously politically motivated. but another topic…
Why can’t you understand that when we say mistake. We, or at least I mean that it was a mistake for her to ever think it would be taken as funny.
It was a ■■■■■■■ mistake chief.
It’s just that simple.
How could you have lived any kind of life and not realize that people do things all the time and then realize… “Whoa… that was a mistake”.
Do you know anyone that has ever planned a wedding and walked down the aisle or waited at the alter, bought a house and then realized Oh ■■■■■ this was a mistake.
It was a mistake.
How about you?
How did you react to Rush calling Fluke a “slut”?
Were you outraged? Or did you endlessly defend it?
Conservatives endlessly defended it. Repeatedly said Fluke deserved it.
I know that many did. I was here.
But I was specifically asking Mountain_Soldier for his.
I highlight that because it’s important to my larger point - which is the inherent problems with assuming groupthink. I’m trying to limit my responses to his (Mountain_Soldier) thought processes, not “conservatives” as a whole - for the same reason that I’m trying to keep the focus on my positions, rather than “liberals” as a whole.
No, That isn’t what I said, that may be your disconnect.
You have been arguing this entire thread that in the context that it was used in this thread, the word “mistake” meant an unintentional act.
Are you now changing your argument? This thread is still here, you know.
I have been arguing that in this context people are trying to excuse her vulgar attack as a “mistake”; as though it were unintentional.
It wasn’t, it was neither unintentional nor was it excusable.
So now it’s “as though it were unintentional”.
You have already acknowledged that the word “mistake” is not limited to unintentional acts. Are you claiming to have some special insight into what the poster in this thread meant when he said “mistake”, or are you just arguing that you interpreted it to mean unintentional, so therefore that’s what it meant?
I have been arguing that in this context people are trying to excuse her vulgar attack as a “mistake”; as though it were unintentional.
Who did that?
I’ve already asked him that question a number of times, and he has either been unable to, or just not willing to answer it.