Salvation Army Publishes Racism Guide encouraging White culture to not be Colorblind

Salvation Army … officially cancelled!!!

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Let the people they care about fund them, this white guy is off the donor list pending a full retraction of that document.


And that they cherry pick lines from scripture to build a conclusion and create the appearance that CRT is biblical (Liberation Theology tactic).

Page 51 has a set of biblical passages that it encourages be viewed through a group identity lens.

go woke go broke


Cancel them good!!!

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cancel the white male good!

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I don’t fund racists.


It’s okay guys… they are probably still anti gay


And not funding them is not canceling them, canceling would be getting financial institutions to not allow them to receive funds or otherwise block others who want to fund them from doing so.

It must be very difficult for apologists when someone forgets to hide the naked bigotry of CRT based, so called anti-racism.


“The Salvation Army is committed to serving the LGBTQ community”

burn your eyes with what actually is - here:

drive by post failed


MLK is a conservative now… Judging people by their character.

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Going to be a thin xmas for the recipients of this charity.

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pointing this out triggers the left. be careful


Well… then they continue to fail you

There is more to that speech than that one sentence.

it will be blamed on the “racism of conservatives”

huffpo and vox and cnn and msnbscrewball are loading their cannons with this now you can bet.

the left knows what they are doing

Have you ever donated to a politician?

Private donations 238 million, government funding 259 million. Looks to me like they chose the government over donors. Someone in the admin probably whispered in their leaderships ear that 259 million could disappear if they didn’t play woke ball.


Expect all sorts of desperate deflections. Publishing this guide is the misstep equivalent to arguing that parents should have no say in their children’s education.

Now that it is out there the damage is done. And since individuals decide to whom they will donate their money, just like to whom they will give their vote, the Salvation Army will reap what it has sown.