Russia hacked us again

But the one thing we do know. The people at google are idiots. They claim to be the most tech savvy people in the world. Yet they were fooled by a corrupt old fart and his even more useless son.

Sorry Google. You owe the world an apology. Hunter Biden is not the victim of Russian hackers.

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Well, it’s true.

I think you have an outdated understanding of ‘server’.

It’s no longer like the 90;s were one PC on teh network doubled as the server.

Who said he was? You are confusing multiple stories

Who said he was? Well Google for one when they silenced the country’s 5th largest newspaper for reporting a true story.

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I said they had a front end. Many people call that front end a server … even if it appears as a client to a server outside the firewall. I did not equate the various terminals to the server. You all - in your desperation to deflect - pretended I did. That is called a straw man.

It is not likely that the DNC architect allowed those “pcs and macs” to access the cloud without coordination with that front end. The FBI knew the DNC was being hacked because they observed traffic into the DNC from some other suspicious location. That “suspicious” location was trying to pull data from or through a piece of hardware inside the DNC firewall.

Stop the nonsense.

That suspicious location was inside of Russia.

True or false? A good hacker can make a hack appear to come from another location.

Do you know?

This is the wrong thread. Russia hacking the US again has nothing to do with the Hunter story.

Why not? You guys said it was Russia behind the laptop… that Russia planted fake info on the laptop.

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Sure but that doesn’t mean they don’t have know TTPs that allow forensics teams to understand patterns and techniques that point to a specific group or individual.

A script kiddie can use proxies effectively… however that isn’t what we use to attribute a hack to a specific groups.

They forget to turn their VPN on. This is all easily accessible fact. Fancy Bear. Cozy Bear.

It boils down to who is better at their craft. The hacks came from multiple locations. You need to review all the announcements… including Comey’s.

You don’t know how cyber warfare works. It’s a little like letting a rabbit run off with your sweaty handkerchief while you run the other way when the bloodhounds are brought out. These people arn’t stupid.

Yeah, as a digital native I’m definitely gonna take lessons in how the internet works from a boomer.


No, you don’t. I live this every day.

Did they? Show me.

Hey! Don’t broadbrush! Freakin’ kids these days.

Has nothing to do with how long you have been using a computer ( I only go back to 85 with PCs and 78 with larger computers… not to mention being the chief computer scientist at a DARPA lab and developing software…oh almost forgot… was the architect for a secure air defense digital network for a sovereign island nation… whatever (digital native :slight_smile: ok…loincloths and sticks but no wheel. I believe that. )

It has to do with tactics of this kind of warfare.

ask Comey…he stated it.
