I’m really having trouble connecting the dots. Lets cut to the chase shall we? Here are my questions.

  1. What specific information regarding Hillary did Russia release that cost her the election?

  2. Do you know anybody who changed their vote from Hillary to Trump because of something Russia did?

Straight answers will be appreciated.

The Russians affect people like; Michael Moore. Oh wait, that doesn’t count. :sunglasses:

I changed the title hoping to get a response to my question.

I will take the professional assessment of our Intelligence community over the opinions of rabid partisans


They ran a few FB ads. Who knew FB had such power? To decide elections? :rofl:

You are welcome to do that. What did the intelligence community claim? I can’t really find any details. Can you? So I’m asking the two bottom line questions.

1. What specific information regarding Hillary did Russia release that cost her the election?

2. Do you know anybody who changed their vote from Hillary to Trump because of something Russia did?

Pretty good questions. Eh?

Maybe, but that does nothing to answer this question.

What specific information regarding Hillary did Russia release that cost her the election?

The first question does not coincide with the the thread title but the answer is no

As to your second question Feel free to look at the reduction in voter turnout in key states. All of it Because fb? Nope.

Now as your premise you already had a poster completely reject the premise of social media and the power it can carry. Yet social media is arguably responsible for recent spate of mass murder, several political movements etc

Yeah it’s totally beyond the pale that it can also affect votes and voters. Right…

The exact opposite of what you are claiming.

And yet social media can kill and drive political movements. Who knew? Chinese people, Russian people, Iranian people. Not politicians mind you but people. Guess how the last Iranian protest that was destroyed organized and propogandized

ETA - Hilary is and was unlike able.

Well I was being sarcastic. The ads affected nothing.

Russia affected nothing. Hillary is an extremely unlikeable person who got her A kicked.

That’s the bottom line.


Hillary is evil actually.

That’s silly but it’s your prerogative to be silly.

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I’m still waiting for someone to take a crack at this.

*1. What specific information regarding Hillary did Russia release that cost her the election?

2. Do you know anybody who changed their vote from Hillary to Trump because of something Russia did?

Wanna give it a shot?

Nothing silly about saying Hillary is evil because she is.

In fact she may contest Satan for his job when she dies.:wink:

I did. Sorry if you missed it. I answered “none” to the first question. And as to your second question i referred you to reduction in voter turn out

Now that is of course arguably causative rather than correlative but again the title of your op is not only unporveable but it is also unlikely

That’s nice.

Only half joking there. She is evil.

That’s not really a very good answer. More of a theory than anything else. How did Russia keep people away? What specific information convinced people to stay home?

Well that’s not very polite. You didn’t ask me to back up my theory which i actually did in my other posts regarding g the strengths of social media but now that i was polite to answer your question if you would be so kind please provide proof of your thread title. Then may be we can discuss.