Rosenstein Testimony

Spot on.

And? He no longer is.

In a 50/50 non-biased world, how many of those hired by Mueller were Hillary vs Trump supporters?

The FISA application appears to be the root of the issue and we still do not know exactly what was in it and how it was presented.

Strozk’s bias appears to be a front and center issue now.

To Trump supporters, the very reasons you cited make him a weasel.

You can not ask people about their political affiliations when considering them for a job in government. That most of the lawyers tend to be Hillary “supporters” is a reflection of the general political affiliations of top level legal minds. Most tend to be Democrats.

Why do you need to know about it?

It appears the DOJ is OK with it. So is all about distrust of the DOJ?

…cuz he got caught by the IG…otherwise Mueller would still be using him.

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Does it matter who caught him?

So then…the probability is 50%. Since it’s actually 100% in one direction clearly demonstrates…wait for it…bias.

Jeannie Rhee, Kyle Freeny, Uzo Asony all seem to have possible Bias in favor of the Democrats and Hillary and 1 worked for Obama’s DOJ.
But yes you don’t care about those possible Bias as you call it witch hunt.

The American public needs to know what evidence was used and how it was presented.

Right now it looks like it was VERY suspect.

Rosenstein did not help Mueller out yesterday.

What matters is his OBVIOUS bias…and who chose him. There’s a pattern here and what would you call that pattern?

If the IG didn’t find it out he would have been still working With his Bias.
So what matters is you claim about rampant bias in the oversight by the GOP and call it a witch hunt and they shouldn’t be trusted. But you say Trust the Mueller investigation even with the Bias that was in it.

What confidential information do you have about the investigation that leads you to know they don’t have additional evidence? Stop listening to talk radio and Sean for all your loose (fact/kinda) information.

And since you brought up time frames:

Under Reagan

Michael Deaver Perjury inv. … took over three years
Iran Contra…Over six years
Lyn Nofziger improper lobbying…almost two years

Under GHW

Samuel Pierce Influence peddling inv…took over eight years

Under Clinton

Whitewater…over seven years
Mike Espy…over seven years
Henry Cisneros Perjury inv…over eight years
Alexis Herman Influence peddling…almost two years

Under GWBush

Valerie Plame…almost four years

Benghazi? the same investigation Dowdy headed? over two years and no result.

I know it’s the hot topic of the day… I listen to talk radio too, Conan. But you really need to stop listening to them solely for your information. It makes you look ill-prepared to debate.

Personally I believe that Mueller hasn’t found any Russia Connection directly to Trump yet that i doubt the will find it. It would have been leaked by now.
So I am ok that that the Bias in the Mueller investigation especially if they actually don’t find anything then Liberals shouldn’t be able to complain.

That’s precisely what an investigation is for… if no evdince is found, everyone can go about their merry way. But none of us are privy to what evidence Mueller has, so to speak about it in terms of “he has nothing!” or, “he has everything!” would be premature and partisan.


Why would you let trump pick the investigator investigating the trump campaign?

Mueller doesn’t leak.

If this was a Congressional investigation, i would agree with you.

I’m not. That isn’t attempting to seek perfect justice. The “scales” are tipped and I’ll never support that.