Roseanne Barr going racist

You keep running with that and we’ll keep laughing.

Again what would be the implication of this post?

This man is a black child rapist!

The backflipping is pretty amazing, they should try out for the olympic gymnastics teams.

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He was from Texas. He was a racist. It’s a completely accurate statement.

Yeah, it’s surprising that Wildrose doesn’t see the facts, even when KSU’s our for him.

Laid out for him

The FACT is he mentioned the qualifier of being a TEXAS racist when it was of absolutely no importance - unless you’re trying to imply that because he was from Texas then naturally he had to be a racist.

We get it. We have heard it before.


They’re desperate to try to run cover for one of their own.


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Awful lot of sensitivity about an unequivocally factual statement regarding LBJ. Maybe there’s something in the Texas water.

The fact they keep refusing to even address the above says it all.

They are just trolling.

She did more than that. She also implied that Trump and Ivanka have an incestuous relationship. This is advancing social change?


Well, it means a man from Cleveland has been accused of raping a child and photographing it.

Not the article, the post.

Sorry, not getting what Im supposed to be commenting on. Probably better that way though. I don’t want to test our friendship.

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I keep forgetting to include a quote and I can’t edit.

Try this… .

“Cleveland man” means, well, that it’s a guy from Cleveland.

“Texas racist” means a racist from Texas.

Both entirely accurate and factual statements as to their subjects.

Looks right by me. :+1:

That’s what I see too.

I said nothing about Cleveland. Do you need help with reading or are you just trolling?

So he’s just another Black Child Rapist from Cleveland. Got it.

He’s a black man? A man who raped a black child?

Newspapers routinely identify a man by his hometown, particularly local papers.

Newspapers routinely do not call a person a black child rapist before a conviction.