'Rona Relief Bill 2

Historically speaking, even a complete thrashing will only totally exile the victimized political party for five to ten tears. Though frankly the GOP could use a few years to figure out what exactly they’re about anymore.

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2 years.

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I wouldn’t put much hope in a midterm comeback. Pretending not to be members of the party you are literally a registered member of is a neat trick, but it only works once.

Historically, yes. And maybe again this time as well. But history is being made and historical norms abandoned at an alarming rate under Trump and Trumpism. This time may be different.

How did you get my literally party registration membership documentation? Did you sneak it out of my Felix the Cat bag-o-tricks that I use whenever I get in a fix?

Show it. Go ahead and post it, I give you leave.

Talk about missing the point. Tommy is obviously referring to the 2010 midterms and the abandonment of W. Bush and those positions as a means to rally against Democrats.

Ah thanks. My babblefish translator has been on the fritz.

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It’s very clearly a generalized you. Point is, reaching for the tricorner hats and the muskets if Trump loses ain’t gonna work this time.

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Is it?

This whole crisis has really shown how worthless Congress is, give themselves 500 billion $$ bailout wont give workers 100$ a week.

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That was the year that during a cleanup of the Senate rules under Vice President Aaron Burr, the “previous question” was removed from the list of permissible motions.

The “previous question” is non-debatable, can be offered by any member at any time, and immediately closes a bill or resolution to all further debate and amendment and forces an immediate vote on all pending motions, amendments and the underlying bill or resolution.

Once that motion was gone, there was no way for a Senate majority or even super-majority to end debate on a bill or resolution, until the cloture procedure was instituted in 1918. But from 1918 to 1975, 67 votes were needed to close debate, all but impossible without firmly kissing the asses of southern Senators. Even since the reduction from 67 to 60 in 1975, it is still vastly difficult to get anything done, made all the worse as the Senate becomes increasingly polarized.


Thank you for your concern. You are of course, quite incorrect.

We’re going to see another surge in unemployment starting this week.

The PPP loans for actual ma and pa business are dry, so places keeping skeleton crews doing busy work or breaking even with the loan, are putting workers out the same week the federal benefit ends.

It’s going to get weirder out there.

All we can do is hope.

Good, that discourages people turning it into a paid vacation.

And so the tsunami of bad press about the Senate letting the unemployment and eviction moratorium lapse completely begins in earnest today.

This should be excellent for their election prospects.

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Except that’s not how unemployment works. When your employer recalls you have to go back. If you’re laid off entirely, you’re now looking for a job in a world where tens of millions are also looking for them, we’re actually losing jobs as the country begins to shut down again, and it still runs out after a set time period.

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Yes and people routinely ride it out to the very end before even starting to look for another job.

That’s exactly how it works.

I can’t go back to work.

I would rather go back to work instead of dipping into retirement.

This isn’t a paid vacation.

Right, because they’re lazy bums, not because there’s no ■■■■■■■ jobs and the pandemic spreading like wildfire is making the job market worse every day.