Romney's Head On A Spike?


we like romney now


You guys are a broken record

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do obvious things, get obvious feedback

I understand that Trump supporters have a tough time thinking beyond black and white, love and hate, like and dislike, worldviews

i dont care what you think you ā€œunderstandā€


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lol there you go

Iā€™m sorry but this shows a truly limited understanding of American politics. Obama had both an incumbency and an over 50% approval rating. Without a third party option of significance it is incredibly difficult to defeat an incumbent President. Donā€™t buy into the propaganda of the CEC that Obama could have been easily defeated if Romney had just fought ā€œharderā€ or if Newt was the nominee. Itā€™s nonsensical.

Itā€™s actual history.

Clinton made Newt his bitch.

What happen Jay?

Clinton survived impeachment.

Newt did not survive Bill Clinton and Triangulation.

Newt we done in by repuglicansā€¦not by Clinton.

Like I saidā€¦trying to rewrite history?

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There will not be descent

Lou Dobbs, heā€™s the one who did the be grateful for the weekend Trump provides you thing right.

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Not following

Inasmuch as elections have consequences, so do votes. Romney picked a position, he fell to peer pressure and did the wrong thing.

I love how the herd of independent thinkers has zero tolerance for anyone who thinks independently. Look at yā€™all. Good Lord. Amirite?

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He was even accused of being a racist at one point back in 2012.

Now they are in love with him ā€¦for about 5 minutes.

Romney is dirty, thatā€™s the only reason he voted.:rofl:

Who on his staff was in on the Burisma scandal?:rofl:

You guys need some new material