Robert Redford - "I feel out of place"

Donald isn’t attempting anything to upset the system he benefits from. I’m sure his rhetoric is comforting, but you are trusting in the poster child of the very system you want changed.

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You ask a lot

Here is a perfect example of how the left is acting. What’s worse Maxine waters and cory Booker are ok with this. Why cant these people find humility in losing? I had to when Obama was president for 8 years. I am sure will have to again, possibly the midterms. Is it because what we see are younger generations doing this and they expect a participation trophy?


Yep the division has been going on awhile now I guess one can argue over the past decade it’s gotten worse.

Dream on utopian.

That’s it exactly.

Stunning so many believe in Trump the myth.

And did the other side kick the left out or restaurants when Obama was president. Did our representatives get on tv and say confront the other side any where and any place. Get in their faces. Run them out of town and shut them up. Obama and the left started dividing the country from the get go. I seem to remember Obama telling people to get in the other sides faces. I remember in his first year more or less telling Mcain I won you lost shut up and get in the back of the bus. The teaparty was called all sorts of names and they did not threaten anyone. Obama said we were stupid, racist and scared and clinging to our bibles and guns. Hillary called us deplorables.

How the hell is that a misstatement?

For all intents and purposes, if you don’t agree with the Republican Congress, the Republican Executive, and the now Republican leaning Judiciary, you aren’t a good American.

Just because it sounds a ■■■■■■■■ worse when put in plain English than it does through his churched up language doesn’t change what he was getting at, and we both know it.

Eh I’m a nihilist now.

That’s why I have Char from Gundam as my avatar. People never change. Show them miracles and they’ll believe for a time, but ultimately things return to the way they were. We are hopeless.

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So a mouthpiece for a constantly lying and immoral administration gets kicked out of a restaurant. Another Senator that basically engineered the theft of a Supreme Court seat is yelled at while at a restaurant. Whoa!! That’s major lol. Do I have sympathy for these people? No, not at all. When you do highly emotive stuff that affects the lives of people there’s going to be blowback. Democrats went through the same thing when they rammed the ACA through and yeah, Republicans and Fox News (especially Hanniy and Glenn Beck) did rile people up to get in the other side’s face. Hell, Glenn Beck pretty much said Obama hated white poeple and was racist lol. If you think the Tea Party didn’t threaten people you have your head in the sand. After the healthcare bill was passed bricks were being thrown through Democratic headquarter windows. Death threats were being sent to Congressmen and their families. They were getting spit on, being called racial and homophobic slurs. A Congressman’s brother had his gas line cut at his house because Tea Party activists put out his address and told people to go pay a visit to vent their anger. Turned out it wasn’t his house lol. Conservative mouthpieces and Congress were ratcheting up the violent dog whistles revving up the Tea Party crowd. Michelle Bachman was coming out saying she wanted people “armed and dangerous” on issues and how revolution was a good thing. Sarah Palin was saying “don’t retreat, reload and aim” putting target crosshairs over the Democratic districts she wanted the GOP to take in the midterms. Gabby Gifford’s district was targeted on Palin’s map and after her office was vandalized she warned her to tone down the rhetoric because there were unstable people out there. Not long after that Giffords was shot in the head by some crazy fool. It’s like some of you guys have the memory span of a goldfish and like to constantly play the victim.

…and hence lies the problem…libs want to be the judge of how all should think, speak and act.

Another good one. No different than what the Arab leaders do 8n their countries. Yeah, but the Jews…

It is a technique as old as the will to power itself.

The Other

And Beto Redford was great in The Horse Whisperer - very loosely based on Buck Brannaman

So do republicans.

Redford made some good points, particularly about how many decent people will be turned off ever wanting to run for office or serve. That’s one of the big problems now.